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War with Russia and Denmark 295
at Anjala on the Kymmene to secure a summons for a
Riksdag. The intention was to have the Estates force
the king to conclude peace and to observe the constitu-
tion. Some Finnish officers even proved themselves
traitors to their country, urging the separation of
Finland from Sweden, forming it into an independent
state under Russia’s protection.
An Attack by Denmark Saved the King. The king’s
position was desperate. His promising campaign was
ruined, for Catherine had been given time to strength-
en the defenses of St. Petersburg. He was threatened
by his own subjects with the loss of freedom and even
of life. But at this critical point unexpected help came.
It was a new war, a war with Denmark. As Russia’s
ally, Denmark must now fulfill her old agreements. At
the news that Denmark prep&red for war, Gustavus
exclaimed, "I am saved." He had now found a way to
return to his country without dishonor. So he hastened
back to Sweden to meet his new enemy.
He had recovered the same youthful energy he had
when he gave Sweden her new constitution. He now
met the danger boldly, for he knew how to strike both
his foreign and domestic enemies. He found among
his people a strong resentment against the officers who
had betrayed their country in the moment of danger.
Like Gustavus Vasa, in former years, he went up to
Dalecarlia and addressed the peasants at the churches.
He asked them to come, as their fathers of old, to the
defense of their country, and select their best men for
its support. Everywhere they were willing to follow
their king, and organized forces in every parish in
Dalecarlia. The same patriotic spirit spread over the
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