Full resolution (TIFF) - On this page / på denna sida - XVI. Reign of Gustavus III, 1771–1792 - H. The Russian War—Second Part, 1789–1790 - I. The Death of Gustavus III
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Death of Gustavus HI 299
tried and punished. The king now displayed his gentle-
ness and clemency, a beautiful trait of his character.
Only one of the guilty, Colonel Hastesko, was punished
with death.
The Assassination. After the Riksdag of 1789, all
the nobles breathed hatred against Gustavus. Every-
where among them there were mutterings of revolu-
tion, and among the most bitter a conspiracy was
formed to take the life of the tyrant and save liberty.
Their tool was Captain Anckarstrom, a harsh and
revengeful character, who felt himself wronged by the
king. For the evening of March 16, 1792, a masquerade
ball had been arranged at the Opera House, and the
king was expected to be there. He came, too, not heed-
ing the warnings he had received. He put on the’
masquerade costume and mingled with the crowd.
Presently he was surrounded by a crowd in black
masks the conspirators. A shot was fired, the king
cried, "I am wounded, seize him." The conspirators
made for the exits and sought to divert attention by
the cry of "Fire." But the king’s friends closed the
doors, and all had to remove their masks and give their
The Reconciliation. The king had been shot in the
back, above the left hip. At first his wound was not
considered dangerous, but soon took a fatal turn and
in two weeks ended his life. Mild and forgiving, he
met death, concerned about the welfare of his country
to the last. Gustavus was great in his last moments.
The murderous deed aroused horror even among the
king’s opponents, and during the approach of death
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