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308 A History of Siveden
Among his subordinates were a number of traitors,
bribed with Russian gold, who were secretly working
for the "liberation" of Finland from Sweden. They
finally prevailed on Cronstedt to surrender the fortress
to the Russians. Thus Sveaborg yielded at the time the
ice was clearing away and re-enforcements could soon
be expected from Sweden. It surrendered to a force
not larger than its own, with an abundance of supplies
in food and ammunition.
The men complained bitterly and even wept with
indignation when they heard of the capitulation, and
among the younger officers there was talk of an up-
rising against the commander, but the leader was
wanting. Thus the Finns were compelled to withdraw
from their strong bulwark, and for the last time the
blue-and-gold flag was lowered from the Sveaborg>
tower, and the Russian eagle rose in its place. The
last act in the Anjala tragedy had been enacted.
The Summer Campaign. The stain placed by the
capitulation of Sveaborg upon the Finnish army the
land forces were permitted to wash away during the
following summer’s campaign. With the main army
Adlercreutz drove the Russians southward in several
fine engagements, the most important one at Lappo,
East of Vasa, where he defeated a Russian army of
equal strength. And away off to the eastward, in the
wilds of Savolaks with its thousand inlets and capes,
where the roads wind along between the narrow lakes,
Sandels won achievements that belong to the most
heroic in Swedish military history.
In spite of the loss of Sveaborg, it seemed that the
recovery of Finland was not altogether hopeless. But
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