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Social Progress 351
ance of her sisters from constraint and repression.
This became the great aim of her life. She had long
felt this inward call, but could not see the way to its
accomplishment. In 1849 she made a voyage to Amer-
ica in the hope of finding light, and she found it. Dur-
ing a visit of two years she became well acquainted
with the institutions established there for the training
of young women for a fuller life. She returned home
by way of England. The translation of her works by
Mary Howitt had preceded her to America and pre-
pared the way for her. She had been most cordially
received there. Her impressions of America she pub-
lished under the title, "Hemmen i Nya Verlden" (The
Homes in the New World) .
Having returned home, she now took up her pen
again. But the novelist now became a social reformer.
With enthusiasm she began to work for the establish-
ment of schools for the training of young women. A
storm of bitterness and scorn met her new authorship.
But her courage never wavered, for she remembered
what suffering she had endured under the bonds that
had fettered the greater and better portion of her life.
She would save others from a similar fate. She was
permitted to see her ideas and efforts crowned with
In the Fredrica Bremer Association the woman’s
movement has its real center. The Association has
placed as its aim to maintain a healthy and orderly
development of its work for the uplift of women along
moral and intellectual, social and economic lines.
The Temperance Movement From the days of Gus-
tavus in till near the middle of the nineteenth century
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