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Educational Progress 359
whatever pertained to the old Swedish folk-life. Old
customs, which were passing away, old tools and im-
plements, old furniture, articles of wear, household
utensils, now fast disappearing all this was dear to
him. He also had the rare ability of interesting others
in this his life’s work. He never tired of soliciting
The Northern Museum.
gifts and contributions, hence he was called "Sweden’s
greatest beggar/’ But this was a title of honor, for he
begged not for himself, but for his fatherland. His
warm patriotism gave him the strength and the cour-
age for this great undertaking, first to collect the
immense sums needed and then the valuable articles.
He saved from oblivion, for coming generations, this
intimate knowledge of his people’s life in ages past
He was buried on the island in the midst of the monu-
ments to his great services.
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