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Sculpture and Architecture 379
Karl Nordstrom was another landscape painter.
Unlike Liljefors he chose the western shores of his
country for his pictures. He loved their grand scenery,
the surging sea, the steep cliffs, and bald rocks. Like
Prince Eugene he preferred the subdued light of eve-
Carl Larsson was one of the most popular of Swed-
ish painters. His happy disposition is revealed in his
paintings. As a painter of home life and home joys he
has no superior. His largest and boldest works are the
wall paintings of the stairway approach to the National
Anders Zorn was one of Sweden’s most celebrated
painters. He is especially a master of the difficult art
of transferring from actual life to the canvas the finest
shifting of light and shadow. He is famous alike for
his portraits and his etchings.
Sculpture. This art too enjoys a flourishing devel-
opment in Sweden today. Many prominent artists can
be named, such as John Borjeson, known for his fine
statues; Per Hasselberg, mourned at his untimely
death and remembered for his works, "The Snow-
drop," "The Water Lily," "The Grandfather," and
others, into which he has infused his ardent love of
life and youth; Christian Eriksson with his artistic
skill showing his worship of life’s beauty-values ;
Carl Milles, the foremost living Swedish sculptor.
Besides his many other works, he has modeled the
majestic figure of "Old King Gosta" in the court of
the Northern Museum.
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