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bears the title Lonely. His solitude was
relieved by visits from his children, and he was
especially fond of his younger daughter, giving
her free use of his library. On May 14, 1912,
he died in Stockholm, after a lingering illness,
of cancer, an added touch of tragedy being the
fact that his first wife died, not far away,
shortly before him.
He was an enormous reader, and seems to have
possessed a knowledge almost as encyclopædic
as Browning’s. While assistant librarian in the
Royal Library at Stockholm he studied Chinese;
he was a skilled chemist and botanist, and wrote
treatises on both these sciences. He was a mystic,
but had a certain dislike of occultism and
theosophy. A German critic, comparing him
with Ibsen, says that, whereas Ibsen is a spent
force, Strindberg’s writings contain germs which
are still undeveloped. He is a lurid and menacing
planet in the literary sky, and some time
must elapse before his true position is fixed. To
the present writer his career seems best summed
up in the words of Mrs. Browning:
“He testified this solemn truth, by frenzy desolated,
Nor man nor nature satisfies whom only God created”;
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