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upon. I am obliged, to my regret, to pawn my
microscope, my black suit, and some remaining
ornaments, but, at any rate, my work is printed,
and I have for the first time in my life the
conviction that I have said something original,
great, and beautiful. In a mood of exultation,
easy to understand, I carry the packet to the
post, and making a contemptuous gesture towards
the hostile heavens, I throw it in the
letter-box with the thought, “Listen, Sphinx, I
have solved thy riddle, and defy thee!”
On my return to the house the hotel bill is
handed to me. Irritated by this unexpected
stroke, for I have already lived a year here, I
begin to notice trifles which I had formerly
overlooked. For instance, in three adjoining
rooms pianos are being played. I am convinced
it is a plot of some Scandinavian ladies
whose company I have avoided.
Three pianos! and I cannot leave the hotel,
for I have no money. Cursing heaven, these
ladies, and my fate, I go to sleep. The next
morning I am awoken by an unexpected noise.
They are hammering nails in the room which
is near my bed; then more hammering begins
on the other side. A silly trick quite in keeping
with the character of these female pianists,
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