- Project Runeberg -  Scandinavian Relations with Ireland during the Viking Period /

(1922) [MARC] Author: A. Walsh
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Aedh Finnliath, 10, 15.
Albann, brother of Ivarr the Boneless, 4.
Albdann, son of Gothfrith, 22 n.
Altar-ring, 53, 54.
aonach, 30, 67.
Armagh, 21–22, 48, 52, 55.
Art, Scandinavian influence on Irish, 20.
Authr, wife of Olaf the White, 15, 48, 72; wife of Turgéis, 47.

Brian Borumha, 7–8, 29, 37–38.
Brunanburh, battle of, 6, 24.
Burial mounds, 12.

Canterbury, 55–56.
Carlingford Lough, battle of, 3, 13, 50–51.
Cearbhall, king of Ossory, 13–15, 50, 72, 73.
Cellachan, king of Cashel, 26, 36–37.
Chester, siege of, 12.
Clontarf, battle of, 8–9, 54.
Colla, 25.
Cork, 27, 30.

Danes, 2–4, 12, 13, 24–27, 50–1.
dóm-hringr, 53–4.
Dublin, fortress built at, 2; seat of Scandinavian kings, 3, 5–7;
Vikings driven from, 5; coins minted in, 19; early history,
21–3; as a trade centre, 30–1, 70–1.

epscop, 29.
Eric Blood-axe, 7.

Fingal, 8.
Finn Gaill, 3 n.

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