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table, and placed upon it the broth and three plates, and as many
cleanly burnished cups, half filled with sour milk.
Father Christopher, the owner of the forest cot, closed his
hymn book, took off his red nightcap, and clasped his hands.
After a short prayer, mother and son sat down likewise. During
the first few moments, nothing was to be heard save the
monotonous sound of the spoon clinking against the pot; as soon,
however, as our worst enemy had been beaten, the father turned
to his son, and appeared as though he wished to say something.
The profiles of both were so turned that the light of the tallow
lamp, which was placed in the centre of the table, fell strongly
upon them; and an attentive observer, had such a one been
present, would have been surprised to have read in them something
noble, almost haughty, which strangely contrasted with the
ragged peasant jacket worn by the owner of the cottage, as well
as with Ivar’s half naked, brown breast.
Nature sometimes presents such peculiarities, and they are apt
to awaken our interest. If cannot be said that nobility and
pride are the exclusive privileges of the high and well educated
classes. Such characteristics are found in a like degree in the
lower classes, although they are accustomed to show it differently
but it is rare indeed that we meet with country people and their
offspring, oppressed by their daily labour, who possess the
expression of free-born haughtiness, which is seldom displayed so
decidedly as it is in the true nobility.
"For the last two days we have been exempt from the skjuts,"
said :Father Christopher, in a voice which would cause one to
think that this exemption was of rare occurrence.
"The white poony wants rest also," said Ivar.
"Yes! many a person would want it," replied the man,
gloomily. " But in the rime of war none must think of it – all
must suffer alike the pest; but if we should soon have peace, as
they say we will, we may hope that the year 1815 will bring us
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