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you of my own free accord; but if you –" he here abruptly
ceased, and blushed deeply.
"If I what? Speak it out, if you wish anything."
"’Yes, I have one wish, but –"
"Well, say it," said she, impatiently.
"I should like to have that pretty little dog, I have taken
such a fancy for him."
"Very well, I like him also, although I have not owned him
long; but you deserve that I should give you something that I
also value. Take him, and sometimes remember the stranger
to whom you have rendered so great a service."
With a shout of joy, Ivar accepted the kind gift, and when
he offered his hand in farewell to the lady, she reached the child
to him, and let fall from her tiny hand a knit purse, containing
several pieces of gold, into Ivar’s hand, and said: "This is given
from my daughter, for the purpose of supporting her companion,
Diana, whom she now presents to you."
A natural tender feeling caused Ivar to accept the gift which
was thus presented him. With deep sadness, but nevertheless
with a sense of pride, that he had acted more nobly to the lady
than the courier had acted toward him, with a hesitating step
he left those whom he had protected. Long after he arrived at
the Swedish side, he directed his eyes once more towards Norway,
and prayed silently for the deeply-grieved woman.
At last he took his travelling companion, Diana, under his
arm, and continued his way toward his home.
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