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a new and miraculous world, that his brain was completely
bewildered by the mass of strange adventures. Day and night,
during his work in the shop, and when in his silent bed, he
dreamed of nothing but giants, (lwarfs, ttying men and women,
and bewitche(l princesses, tte became a perfect wandering
edition of the "Arabian l#ights," and at length gave way so
much to these unwonted enjoyments, tha$ his dearest recollec-
tions, the journey with the Germah lady and ber baby, and even
the remembrance of the old pony, were gradually driven from
his mind.
Under such circumstances, Ivar was very happyin the
position of a tanner’s apprentice, and the only disagreeable thîng
that clouded his stay in Master Brun’s house was the continual
fights between l#Irs. Brun’s car and :[var’s favourite and con-
stant companion, the golden-haired Diana.
]Vlrs. Brun was a very good-natured, honest old woman, but
she ha(l transferred all that tenderness fo her car which she
would have probably bestowed on her own children, if she had
had any. For this reason she would never allow the horrible
dog to put even his nose withiu the door, for as soon as this
happened, the car, disturbe(l from her slumber, sprang from the
bed, tearing down with ber Mrs. Brun’s stocking and ball of
yarn, with which the ca# and Diana used fo tangle themselves
into the utmost confusion, and when Mrs. Brun heard the well-
known spitting and howling, she would jump into the room
where they were, and knitting-needles flew around briskly, and
the yarn was broken to pieces; she usually ran after her un-
completed s#ocking, and generally round it torn open down to
the heel.
And was she not right ? and dî(l not Diana corne devoutly to
ber call, holding the tangled yarn in her rnouth, and attempt fo
sneak off through the open door, when she knew certainly that
a storm was brewing# But #VlTrs. Brun was too qltick for Diana,
and always shut the door before the dog could escape, and she
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