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angry in earnest. #M:a.ster Brun was a plain sensible man in
daily life, but if he once became angry, if would hOt do fo joke
xvith him.
Mrs. Brun’s constant scolding and grumbling, howevel; caused
:[var to resolve that as soon as he had completed his apprentice-
ship he would seck a place in another tannery. Ite esteemed
his old toaster very highly, and the treasure behind the grey
curtain no less; but there was something else, which was of still
greater value fo him–peace, within and without. It can
hardly be imagined how much Mrs. Brun’s constant scolding
pained him. He was a gay, clever boy, and did hot care for
reproach more than was necessary, but there are characters which
can never endure such shrews, while others bear with them as
with their daily bread. Ivar longed, with all his heal4, for
place where there was no cat, or a scolding woman to be found.
In çhe meantime his intellectual developments, as well as his
desire for information, had taken a better direction after his con-
firmation, which took place in his sixteenth year. During this
rime, he had entered into a closer acquaintance with one of his
schoolmates, who was soon to be promoted from the lower school
into t]Le college. This young man often lent Ivar some of his
books, who, amid the throng of better ideas he received from
them, cast out the mass of the confused ideas which were the
consequence of his former readings. With as much zeal as he
had devoured the myths of the traditional world, he now studied
hisçory and geography, and even scribbled with chalk rough
maps on a piece of leather, by the aid of which he ruade
journeys, in his chamber, through foreign countries.
Assisted by the first friend whom he had gained, he advanced
ai a rapid pace. The young and fashionable Leopold Wirén,
himself a stranger in the place, where he had been sent by iris
guardian af the death of his parents, attached himself with
warm interest and real friendship fo Ivar, who, on his part,
hung with infinite tenderness on him to whom he owed so much.
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