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### Sm#t##S-BO,r. 55
are hot so very rich, I shall, nevertheless, think so much of the
honour of my naine and r#nk, that I shall never surfer you
conduct yourself as a pe##anç girl who does nos understand good
"Ay! papa, yoa need hot fear that I will hot conduct myself
properly. A# Aun# Sederfeld’s and Uncle #dter’s, they carry
on #heir affairs in a very aristocratie manner, and you bave,
yourself# told me that I conducted myself well."
«Yes, #un# Sederfield’s and Uncle Udter’s–Yes, I believe
so. They know there who we are. #side from tha#,
society that is raet there is hot very numerous or select, in
comparison fo that which one meets af a batl#ng-pla¢e. #t
strange place, and among strangers, l#eol#le should know how
fo make something of themselves. One ought hot fo forger who
he is, and conduct himself accordingly."
"#Bat if is cer¢ainly hard," replied #melia» with a smile which
was hot altogcther ff’ce from bitterness, "for one Who, only for
the sake of appeaxing axistocratic, bas fo submit fo the pain of
sweating all day o# the steamboat, as though he werc in a steam-
"In this world, my child, one bas ofgen fo submit fo many
inconveniences," replied the lieuCenant-colonel, in the tone of a
man who is accustomed fo make his experience in lffe, and
wisdom, weigh down the objections of others, and who wishes
fo show, af the saine rime, that the world, q’anlc, and naine are
wo#oEh more fo hîm thon any#hing else, and such was also
case with the lieutenant-coloneL
After this gentlemau of honour had spent ¢he most par# of
his lire in seeking after advancement and titles, he had, never-
theless, been forced ai length fo retreat from the great scene of
his action, with Che commission of lieutenant-colonel, and
patent of chamberlain in his pocket, and retire into the country.
But Chere was something clse connected with the subject, and
tha# was, he was obligcd fo lire as retircd as possible, for hîs
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