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#H#, SKJV#S-BOV. 57
short, 5Iadame de Dressert was considered, wherever she
peared, as al# agreeable, lovely lady, although, as stated before,
ber conduct was hot altogethcr fi’ee from dissimulation ; but the
world always judges from al)pearances , although hot often without
good reasons.
##adame de Dressen had a heart which had beaten, in former
rimes, as well as any one; but during ber longseason ofmarriage
if had accustomed itself fo reservedness, until if had finally fi#ozen,
withln the noyer perfectly-melting ice of ber cold domestic
In the commcncemenç o5 the summer of 1833, the Lieutenanf#
colonel de Dressen had secn fit to borrow a sure of money upon
his small esçate in Tunefors, in Sudermanland. As the father
of # d#ughter, nineteen years of age, hé considered it ]ris duty fo
¢ake further and more decisive steps than he had hitherto done.
At Tunefors there could be no expectation of guests; for means
were lacking fo keep an open table so as fo entertain strangers
irt aa appropriate remarier. There, neighbours were common,
low people, with whom a famfly connexion could hot be enter-
tained. Aside from that, ¢he short journey, which had beert
commenced earlier than usual this rime, had hot met with the
slightest success. Everything coiacided fo spur on the lieutenant-
colonel fo a decided resolution, and after considerable reflecçion,
his choice fina]ly fell on a bathing-place.
"Dear wife," said he one day, "your health bas hot been very
good for some rime past. If strikes me that you should make
use of mineral waters. I bave consulted with my physician, and
obtained the necessary money. We must tr#vel."
Highly surprised ai the great politeness of ber husband–for
they were alone–and the tone i# which he spoke left no doubt
but that he was in earnest, she remained almost petrified. If is
true that she had suffered a lingering sickness, several years
belote, which had rendered ber cheeks pale, and gnawed af ber
laeart-strings j’ but now ber health was entirely restored, and aho
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