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ber neck, and said, sobbingly, ":Farewell, my dear Ammy, I must
leave you now."
"He’s right," said Borgenstie##aa; "the ca#wiage waits for us."
"Whither does your journey tcnd#" inquired bIadame de
Dressen, while Amelia was playing with the boy.
"Af first to Uddevalla ; bu# whether I shall stay there, or
travel further, depends upon a letter which I expect from a
physician, whose advice concerning Alfred’s health I could hot
obtain before I left home, as I started in such a hurry."
l#l:adame de Dressen could hot, with politeness, ask any further
questions, although she would bave liked to bave ruade several
other inquirîes. Borgenstierna took advantage of the pause thus
caused, and taking his son by the hand, although the latter left
very reluctantly his pleasant occupation with Amelia’s cheek, he
had nevertheless fo comply with his father’s request af last, and
they both left together, after making a few common-place re-
marks concerning their travelling companions, and Borgenstiel#a
had requested the ladies to present his compliments fo thc lieu-
tenant-colonel, leaving the ladies in a position in wlfich they did
hOt feel desirous of continuing the conversation.
At len#h Amelia, who could not understand why they were
so still, broke the silence, and inquired–
"What are you thinking about, dear mother#"
"I do hOt know, myself," answered ber mother # "perhaps
about the new acquaintance."
"He bas something so peculiar and reserved in his manner
which I do not exactly like," observed Amelia.
"Sorrow and grief always cause reservedness," replied Madame
de Dressen. "#o one need wonder af that."
Ai this moment Lieutenant-colonel de Dressen returned# and
reported that for twenty rix-dollars he had hired a conveyance
for Stroemstad , which was to t’ake them there ai a certain
"To Stroemstad#" said his wif# "Why makc a journey of
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