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escaped with a few knocks, and black and blue spots. The
lieutenant-colonel had hardly gathered himself up, when he un-
loacled himself of a whole litany of the choicest expressions
against the cursed SwaloEeborg and ifs confounded jolting roads,
poor horses, and loutish skjuts-boys, such as was never heard
before by human ear.
"I bave bccn in this dog#s nest beforc .. " But here the lieu-
tenant-colonel suddenly stopped: all af once his mind was struck
about the night he had before spent in the forests of Swarteborg.
The skjuts-boy–his name–the lashes–the buffets–everything
came clear to him; but immediately he soothed his mind by the
powerfifl assurance, by which he strove fo persuade himsclf, "A
thousand devils catch me! if is hOt possible that the skjuts-boy
shouhl become such a fine fellow! If was certainly his name,
but that may be owncd by many." And if became plain that
his new acquaintance did hot belong fo those who are picked up
on the high-road; and, in the main, it was very ridiculous fo
retain even for a moment such a foolish idea. #evertheless, he
was rather fearful, although why he co#fld scarcely explain fo
himsclf, of obtaining information on this point from the driver,
although the latter could bave given him correct information, as
he was from the same village as the boy with the confounded
naine. The lieutenant-colonel, therefore, thought if better fo let
the marrer remain in obscurity; and then, aftcr all, ît was only
a h#sty piece of folly, he thought fo himself.
The consequence of this nnhappy accident was that, for the
ih-st thing, the wagon must be repaired, for whîch pt#rpose aid
must be obtained fo take if back to the tavelé. This had ah-eady
ruade quite a hole in his pocket; but, heaven! what a second
mishap, when he remembcred that his evfl star had causcd him
to order the horses in advance ! tte would certainly hOt arrive
af Swarteborg before dark, and would bave fo pay thcn for four
horses, instead of two, on account of the long delay.
That was, indeed, a hard trial for a man of such a violent
retaper and so ill-filled purse as the lieutenant-colonel.
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