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$liss de Dressea as the most eharming of creatures ? No; that
would net express if sufficiently, for the most divinely-beautiful
])ryade who ever paddled in a bathing machine # Don’t you
know that I, as her declared knight, might challenge you for
this presumption ?"
With huge self-complacency af the high-sounding fulsome
words he had just uttered, the chamberlain beat his ealves still
more violently, and laughed until the window-blinds trembled
with the force of his miloEh.
Borgcnstierna blushed. If was easily te be seen that he con-
sidered De Goesse too insignificant te give him such an answer
as his words deserved. I-Ie dcemed it sufficient, therefore, te
place his hands in his waistcoat pocket, te look af his watch, and
te draw the attention of the gentlemen te the ç#ct th#t the
lieutenant-colonel and his family might, perhaps, be w#iting
for them.
" Ah! thcy must pass here," replied the baron.
But the chamberlain did net takc rime for an answer. With
the exclamation, « Pardon me, gcntlemen, I s]mll prccede you;
for I shall never lmve it s#id of me that I kept the lady of my
heart waiting," ho hastencd down stairs, and shot with his long
spindle legs like # rEccr towards thc bridge, where he almost raza
down the assessor’s servant, l#tden with baskets.
When Da Gocsse had departed, the baron and Wh’én laughed
]lCa#oEily aç the fop and his " Dry#de i# the bathing-machine."
Borgenstierna was afraid, however, te make if appe#r ,hat ho
was angry ai his friend, bccause the l#tter ]md net hesitatcd te
make a joke, in which :M:iss de Dressen had played a par#, and
was content te be relieved frein an answcr by the approach of
the lieutenant-colonel ; as, af that moment, the long, laxtk, #nd
stiff figmre of th#tt gentlema#t became visible af the other end of
thc street, #s he strode up with his wife on his arm, accompanied
by Ameli,# and little 2klfred.
Wh’éa knoeked ai the door of his ##ife’s apartment, saying,
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