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" I thank you," she replied, anxiously pressing ber shawl arm
fo ber side, of which the chamberlain was desirous of taking pos-
session; "the way is but short, and little Alfred will not let me
go, by any means."
" :No, no! I do hot wish to leave Amel]a’s hand; go your
own way !" exclaimed the boy, making an angry face ai him»
because he would take his Ammy from him.
" Then, af least, I shall assist the young lady into the boat.,"
said Goesse, consoling himself, and addîng, in a half-whisper, "I
bave spread my cloak for my lady on the seat, where she will
sit like the sun amid the heavens; and I hope and flatter myself
that she will not refuse the silent language of the heart in this
simple act of devotion !"
Amelia pretended hot fo hear this chatter, in which, accord-
h#g fo Goesse’s conviction, there lay a deep meaning; and, as she
did not answer, he was sure that she had understood his words
properly. Her silence, certain]y, was the plaines# evidence that
she accepted him as her chevalier; for an answer expressed in
words would certainly not be fit for a v¢ell-educated girl, who
#vas naturally confined by extreme modesty.
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