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The ladies and gençlemen, I see, are about taking a pleastu-e
exctu-sion; and, as I cotmt upon the hap1)incss of enjoying the
company of my dear h]:rs. #Viren, I will participate in the ex-
cursion, if the ladies and gentlcmen will permit me fo do so !"
With these words #]:ademoisclle #Tyquist put herself in motion,
and was the first fo enter tho boat, where she sat down without
further ceremony upon the spot wherc the gallant chambcrlain
had spread his cloak!
But thc chambcrlain, far from submitting fo his evil star,
spmng into the boat behind ber, and h#sinuated fo ber, with the
utmost l#oliteness, that his cloak had becn spread thcre for
another lady, and that hc was cxtremely sorry that he had hot
brought a second ont.
" :But if is impossible for me fo sit in my silk cloak upon that
bench. I ara sure that the chamberlaia wîll be so much of a
chevalier as to perceive this," said hlademoiselle 1Wyqtfist, deeply
offendcd, but hot moving from her position.
" Ycs, but my honoured lady, you should pcrceive. " ai
these words hlr. de Goesse, who was standing like the Colossus
of l#hodes, with outsprcad legs over two bcnches, received such
# shove from Wirdn, who was just entcrh#g the boat, th#t he
fell over the benches, and landcd af the fee# of ]#I#demoiselle
" Lord of my lifc! my corns !" scrc#med the old lady, writhing
with pain # but s#t, nevertheless, upon the cloak the closer.
l#cd as a turkey-cock, De Goesse regained his feet. " One
should not shove one so on the stomach, when they wish fo
advance," said ho fo Wh-en, endeavouring fo wipe off the dirty
water which was drîpping from the skirts of his fi’ock coat.
" You must not place yourseff beforc the nose# of the ladics,
whea they wîsh fo come on board," muttercd #Vir5n, arranging if,
during the drying process of thc chamberlain’s coat tails, so that
all the seats wcrc occupied ; so when the latter looked around
ibr thc lady of his hc«trt, ho found hcr sitting bctwccn ber mothcr
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