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"Yes, but that îs hot his fault," said #ina, simewhat pi#lued.
"I know well enough why you say so–-if he would only court
yOU -
"By-the-by," interruI#ted Ame]ia, "bave you read the book
that I lent you a short rime ago #"
"1#o, I have hot; and you, Amelia, bave certain]y not read
that old trashy book # for I know not.hing more tiresome than
for somebody fo bave a book printed, and then #vant others fo
read if into the bargain."
"#Vhat, tiresome !" exclaimed Amelîa. "I read the two first
volumes with the deepest interest. #hat, do you call Walter
Scott’s ’Ivanhoe’ tiresome ? I can hardly wait until I can
obtain the third volume."
"I bave no objection, as far as I am concerned. I bave
enough trouble #vith our own swineherd, and with Çur own l#igs,
#vithout reading such stuff in biil#s. 1#o, ii i I ara obliged fo
read anything ai all, I want fo read something touching, and
not such rough, uncouth stoE; for my father said that #he
expression ’sow’ #vas very indecent; ’bristly fem#nine swine,’
one should say; for the rest, if wiuld not amount fo much
eçen if the expression was a litt]e indecent, if the story wa.s on]y
l#retty and exciting, so that one would ]#now how if is fo end.
But Lamm, I must tell you, he bas a couple of such touching
books: three volumes of ’Celestine; or, the mysterious Child,’
that is awfully beautifu]; and wha# l#retty songs fo sing are in
if. These we usually sing together, as Lamm bas a beautiful
voice, as you bave heard in church. But your bool#s, Amelia–
do hot be an#o#–we lay aside. The string of my l#atience is
broken a hundred rimes before I get through the first chal#ter ,
# I do hot read it through."
"Well, that is no fault," said Amelia, and tr#l#ped on hastily,
for the dew had commenced falling. "But see, what a beautiful
evening! how magnificent]y the sun ii sink#ng behind the
mountains, and casts its long shadows. Ah! now we step into
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