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dizzy, as often as he strove to peep into the depth of that
woman’s heurt; for was if possible that Virginie, who appcared
as cold and chaste as a vestal, could re#lly be able fo carry
another picture in ber heart thaa th#t of ber husband ? If
that was the case, wh#t could be expected of al] the rest of
women ?
One hopc, however was left him; he was aware of Wir5n’s
hasty character, and how e#sily he received every iml»ression ,
which, at least for this rime, at a more mattu’e reflection, must
necessarily lose the colour that if possesscd af first. Af this sup-
position he halted ; and if became a settled facç with him, that
#Virén musç bave fallen into a great error, on which the false
conclusions he had ruade in his l#st le,ter were based. So much,
however, was certain, th#t Virginie, either by reflcction, or in
consequence of some other motive, the cause of which was hot fo
be discovered, had sudden]y awoke from ber indifferencc. And
as there could be nothing more desirable for the happiness of his
#riend, Borgenstierna considered it better to makc no further
inquiry, but to leave it to thc One who looks deeper into our
hearts than men are able fo do.
tte then read the letter further, und round much #vhich
claimed his attentio#i. The chamberlain’s letter caused him fo
smile; but WirSn’s good-natured re#diness fo serve him, and to
intermeddle with t#aron Lindenskoeld and hîs aEuirs, created
much fil-humour within him; for tha# cert#inly w#s his owa
care, and it did hot concern any other man fo help him fo a
wife. This single-handcd interference #vith so tender an affadir,
which concerned his future huppin#ss or misery so much, that he
determincd fo do exactly opposit# from that which Wiren
tte resolved to allow the performers in this l»lay fo act accord-
ing fo their own #vishes ; and only until after he had found out
the sequel would he consider v¢hat he should do himself. In the
meantimc, he w#s fe#rful th#t he would miss the most suitable
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