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##rHE# Amella returned from her errand, which she had per-
formed through filial love, she entered the room quickly and full
of’ joy. She found her mother sitting aç ber sewing, engaged in
deep meditation.
"Has papa been do#vn ?" inquired Amelia.
"Yes, aç noon."
"Is he an#y still, dear mother 2"
"I do hot know, my chfld; but iç appears to me as though
ho had repented of the forbearance which he showed you this
morlfing; at least, he bas already sent away an answer."
"Ite is in a terrible hurry," replied Amelia. "I do not know
fo what conclusions I shall corne; but I should think that,
according fo what I told my father this morning, the answer
would hOt be very favo#n’able toward the chamberlain."
"Then I ara of another opinion," said ber mother, with
unmistakable uneasiness in her voice. "Your father is hot in
the habit of concealing anything from me; and if he had sent a
decided refusal, I would bave heard long ago what a sacrifice ho
had ruade for your obstinacy. But his silence causes me to draw
other conclusions."
"If that is the case, I will immediately go up fo his rooms
and talk with him before he will be able fo think about the
various expedients he will use to force me into obedience. I
have donc something to-day which wfll cause papa to rejoice, and
will now try my good luck."
That she might nog be obliged fo confess fo ber mother the
self-willed step she had taken in pawning ber jewels, she intended
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