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(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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##r. de Goesse here straightened himself up af least three
inches higher, and looked around the room, like a man who
means fo indieate that he was heneeforth resolved fo play the
self-governed man of the world, whose inner man is eoneealed
from every eurious eye.
"When do you star# on your journey? As to invlting you fo
be out guest any longer "
"I pray you–say no more !" interrupted #lr. de Goesse,
assuming a dignified manner, and stretching forth both hands into
the air. "I)o uot ask me fo remain; do no# endeavour fo melt zay
steel-eneased heart. Farewell, _A_melia! I shall order zay
earrlage immediately
"In the meantime, I will bake two cakes for you, whieh you
will well relish on the road
« I do not kno%" said #Ir. de Goesse, refleetingly, "whether
I shall be able fo ea# them, in my present position. I fear as
#hough I ara now #oo much soul, to think of my bodily wants
ai ail."
« This m#y be #he case for the rime beingj but when you are
in the cool evenJng air, you will find that if is good, nay, even
necessary fo bave some consolation of that kind with you. I ara.
firmly eonvinced#" she added, with a roguish stalle, "that even
sueh great men as l#apoleon or Tegn6r did not refuse fo take
food after the most powerful mental excltement."
"That is true t Well, if you will, you may put some pre-
served cherries between the cakesj even half a bottle of hot wine
would prove acceptable fo wash down the cakes."
"And a cold cutlet upon if T’
"Yes, I bave no objection. On this great and momentous
occasion, I cannot refuse you anything. ]YIost lovely Amelia!
excellent creature! even in this exalted and solemn moment,
you think of the welfare and comfor# of your departing friend !
Amelia, now and for ever–eternally as eternity itself–I shall
miss ber! But, were if l#ossible# be still more high-minded tlaan

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