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"DID you ever see the like. Whcn I thought that the mattcr
had corne to an end, and ara near catching tlm bilious lever out
of pure anger and his stupid obstinacy, he starts right on the
rond, like a stubborn fcllow as he is, and gets a bridc for himself
#vithout saying the least word to me."
Il was the assessor who uttered thcse words, as with a letter
in his hand he entered the room in which was his wife.
" Of whom do you speak #" inquired Virgînia, and in the
scarcely visible trcmotu" that affected hcr lips, a man of a less san-
guine disposition than was Wir(#n’s, would certainly find cause
for the supposition, that she well knew of w],om he spoke.
"Ah, do you hot think of l#[r. Borgenstierna’s often men-
tioned acquaintance with hliss de Dressen # I have already spoken
to you several rimes, telling you how cunningly I set things at
work last fall; ai that time, howevcr, he did hot want to know
anything about if; but now, without farther hesitation, he bas
started for Tuncfors, #vithoul confiding even a syllable of his
intentions to me, and as he statcs hcre in his lctter, all is
arranged, and the wedding will take place on the first of May."
"Such things happcn evcry day," said Virginia, slightly
Virginia was now able fo stalle occasionally; but this stalle
ai)peared to all, except #Virdn, who still looked upon ber with
#lm eyes of a loyer, more ghastly and cold than hcr former im-
movablcness. She was like the glittering dew-drop which kisses
the firsl flower of spring but freczes within ifs chalice. Whcn
Virginia conversed with hcr husband concerning their 1)resen#
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