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(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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nature which had as yct 11ot been torn from ifs balance by any
strong impression. Toward the poor shc manifested ber com-
passion, by ber actions» without ever cxpressing if bi words, and
by the proceeds of the work that she performcd in ber leism’e
hours, she was often enabled fo perform charitable deeds; but
she was nevcr sceu fo be movcd by the emotions of those whom
she had assisted. I# gave ber joy to extend a helping hand to
others; but she was more sparing of a compassionate word or
look, than a miser of his money.
Af the rime of ber confirmation, she generally lived by ber-.
self; ber inner world was ber indisputable, reserved property.
Into tha$ no eye was able fo penetrate, and whatcvcr emotions
and intentions might have germinated and takcn lire in ber soul
af that rime, ber soul, ncvertheless, remained equally calm,
reserved, and impenetrablc to every impression.
Thus Wirén round her. Enraptured with ber beauty, he
askcd for ber hand, without considcring thc incquality of their
mutual dispositions. #Tirginia’s foster-parents told ber that she
would be obliged fo marry once, aç any rate, and advised ber hot
$o lose the chance, as there wo#fld not soon be another oppor-
tunity; and Virginia, who had seen no reason fo doubt the
correct judgmen# of ber guardians, followed their advice. Wir#n
received ber vows of love and faithfulness, and she came fo the
conclusion fo keep them as well as she was able fo do.
I)uring the frrst year after ber marriage, she was firmly con-
vinced that ber husband was happy, and that she was doing
everyt.hing on ber part fo comply with thc duties tl,at she had
imposed upon herself for did she hot withou$ opposition fulfil
all hls desires ? Was she no$ silent whcn he grew excited ?
I)id she hot conduct ber domestic affairs with order and economy #
and did she hot prepare for him the irettiest embroiderics with
his naine and birthday stitched thereon ? and at the saine rime
hOt pay the ]east attention fo other rnen ? hardly deigning to

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