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little blushing wife in his arms, and to quiet ber ïrom the a#ça-
tion produced by the reproaches of the tidy #Irs. Lamm.
" l#ardon me, dear ]#Iina," entreated Amclia. " I could hot
help being exci#ed."
" Excited ! ahem! if you had only let the stuff remain where
I placed if; but how docs that help us now # There is no use
of crying for spilt milk i go away, and let me manage the marrer
by myself."
:Borgenstierna politely offered fo assist ber, but received such
a terrible look, which if if had encountered the poor fellow
Lamm, he would hure cowed beneath if like a whipped school-
:Borgenstierna, however, knew how fo help hilnself out of the
matter l taking the arm of his little wife, he walked into the
bouse. "
]V[adame de Dresser# and ]V[rs. Lamm now had thcir hands
full to res#ore the basket of broken provisions to its former statc.
The lieuten#nt-colonel walked moodily fo and fro, grumbling at
the slowness of the women. ]#orgenstierha looked aftcr the car-
riage fo see that it was well packed, and Ameliu wept ia ber
little bedroom.
Ai len#h the clock struck three; the mother and ber
daughter stepped into the new coach» and the lieutenant-colonel
and his son-in-law into the old one.
" God be with you, dear Amelia; a thousand thanks for the
many joyfu] hours which we bave spent together ai Tunefors,
and af home in itu" l#arsona#e.
Thus saying, Mina leaned ber head upon the bosom of ber
friend, who had ulready seated herself in the carriuge.
" Ah! dearest #J:ina, ]: shall never ïorget you. You were
always a friend in necd ; be one to #ny mother ulso #vhen I ara
" Do hot trouble yourself about that. Parson’s ]V[ina, as they
used to call me sometimes, appears fo be rough and repelling;
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