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Amelia threw both ber arms around his ncck, and half-laughing,
half-weeping, she ejaculated,
"Dear p#p#, he bas deceived us both, and should be doubly
punished # but we will be noble-hear#edws#y thaç you will for-
give him wîth all your heart, and I will do the same; for,
spe#king confidentially, I prefer fo be called ber Gmce the Lady
of Roesçorp, much more than the simple Mrs. ]3org."
"For your snke, Amelia–" The lieutenant-colonel was glad
tha# he had an opporttmity to play the tender father, who
suffers himself fo be sof#ened by #he entreaties of his child. "For
your sake it shall be so; although the proclamation and the joke
of to-day are equally cruel ; nevertheless, I again say, amen–or,
Sophia, have you any objections #"
#[adame de Dressen, who, unçil now, had sat as though on
burning coals, felt af theso words, as though she had been
elevated fo the seventh heaven.
"Oh ! dear I)ressen," said she, " I think that your children
know how fo esteem the value of such a word as well as myseff."
"Yes, that is what we ail do. If would be a shame fo do
otherwise. Out amen springs from the heart to the glass," said
Borgensticrna, arislng. "I)eace and reconciliation."
The lieutenant-colonel ruade an al)proving nod, and the glasses
clinked together.
"Another toast, ladies and gentlemen," said the assessor.
"All fill your glasses to the welfare of the new-married couple,
and drink this toast with as much sincerity as l#çr. de Goesse,
God bless his honest soul–-I should bave said his honest skin–
displayed in ]ris ’ Modest Flowers,’ which he inscribed to young
)[adame #Borgenstierna. With as much sincerity do I now apply
his classical language fo you both :" and in a loud voice, Wirén
commenced singing
"0 yes, may heaven bless me and for ever
Unite us in faith, hope, and fervent love,
And hot fill us with jealous gloomy sorrow,
Such as Frithiof’s Ingeborg doth prove."
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