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big vein and hangs on for miles till the reindeer
has lost so much blood that he falls down dead.
There was also the eagle who carried away in his
claws the new-born calves if they were left alone
for a moment by their mothers. Then there was
the lynx who crept up stealthily as a cat to jump
at a reindeer who had gone astray from the herd
and lost its way.
Turi said he could never understand how the
Lapps had managed to keep their herds together
in old times before they had associated
themselves with the dog. In former days the dog
used to hunt the reindeer in company of the wolf.
But the dog who is the cleverest of all animals
had soon found out that it would suit him better
to work with the Lapps instead of with the
wolves. So the dog offered to enter into the
service of the Lapps on condition that he should
be treated as a friend as long as he lived and that
when he was about to die he should be hanged.
That is why even to-day the Lapps always
hanged their dogs when they were too old to work,
even the new-born puppies who had to be
destroyed for want of food were always hanged.
The dogs had lost the power of speech when it
was given to man but they could understand every
word you said to them. In former days all
animals could speak and so could the flowers, the
trees and the stones and all lifeless things who
were all created by the same God who had created
man. Therefore man should be kind to all
animals, and treat all lifeless things as if they
could still hear and understand. On the day of
the Last Judgment the animals would be called
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