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only to be rejected. Literature was made one of the means
by which these reforms were to be brought about. Its
portraiture of life was to be taken directly from life just
as it is, without any beautification, and its purpose was to
call attention to the abnormal conditions of society and to
show how they might be improved.—Naturally a literature
of this kind will become more or less psychological, and in
this respect Geijerstam perhaps went further and deeper
than any one of his contemporaries. With the finest skill
he sounded the depths of the soul to analyze its active
forces. This is especially noticeable in his writing after
1895. His works from this time on are: Medusas huvud
(1895), Kampen om kärlek (1896), Vilse i livet (1897),
Det yttersta skäret (1898), Äktenskapets komedi (1898),
Lyckliga människor (1899), Boken om lille-bror (1900),
Kvinnomakt (1901), Nils Tuvesson och hans moder (1902),
Skogen och sjön (1903), Karin Brandts dröm (1904),
Själarnas kamp (1904), Andreas Vik (1905), Farliga makter
(1905), Bröderna Mörk (1906), Den eviga gåtan (1907),
Den gamla herrgårdsallén (1908), Thora (1909).
Altogether different from these more or less dark and
gloomy descriptions is the charming little story Mina pojkar
(1896) which is hereby presented to young American
readers. The author himself calls it a book for the
summer. With its bright and sunny character, its humorous
conception and its lovely descriptions of the life of childhood
it speaks for itself.
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