- Project Runeberg -  Mina pojkar ; with introduction, notes, and vocabulary /

(1911) [MARC] Author: Gustaf af Geijerstam
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gunga (-ade), to rock, float,

gupp (-et, —), bank, rise,

gupp|a (-ade), to jump, rock
up and down, bob.

(gick, gått), to go, walk,
pass away; — an, to be
possible; det går an, that
will do; — efter, to fetch,
bring; — sin väg, to go
one’s way; — till, to happen,
come to pass; — av,
to break, come off.

gång (-en, -er), time; — en
— once; en — till,
more; inte en —, not even.

gård (-en, -ar), farm, yard.

gås (-en, gäss), goose.

gått, see gå.

gädd|a (-an, -or), pike.

gäl (-en, -ar), gill.

gäll|a (-de, -t), to concern;
nu gäller det, now for it!
now comes the tug of war.

gällt, shrilly.

gärna, willingly, readily, fain.

göm|ma (-de, -t), to hide,

göra (gjorde, gjort), to do,
make; — av, to put, lay;
— om, to repeat; det gör
or det gör detsamma,
it makes no difference.


ha, (hade, haft), see hava.

hack i häl, close at one’s

hak|a (-ade), to hook.

hals (-en, -ar), throat, neck.

halsband (-et, —), collar.

halsgrop (-en, -ar), throat-pit.

hals|hugga (-högg, -huggit),
to behead, decapitate.

halv half.

hammare (-n, — or hamrar),

hamn (-en, -ar), harbor.

hamn|a (-ade), to land.

han, he.

hand (-en, händer), hand.

handduk (-en, -ar), towel.

handelsbod (-en, -ar), merchant’s

handfallen, at a loss,

handfat (-et, —), basin, wash-basin.

handl|a (-ade) om, to treat
of (about).

hann, see hinna.

hans, his.

har, see hava.

har|e (-en, -ar), hare.

harm (-en), anger, indignation.

harmset, angrily.

hastighet (-en), rapidity.

hat|a (-ade), to hate.

hatt (-en, -ar), hat.

hav (-et, —), sea, ocean; till
on the sea, at sea.

hava (hade, haft), to have;
— för sig, to be about, be
doing; — roligt, to have
fun, have a fine time;
to break to pieces.

havsbotten (bottnen, bottnar),
bottom of the sea.

heder (-n), honor.

hedersam, honorable.

hel, all, whole, unbroken;
det hela, on the whole.

heller, either.

hellre, rather.

helskägg (-et, —), full beard.

helst, rather, preferable,
ever; vem som —, whosoever.

helt, wholly, entirely, completely.

hem (-met, —), home, adv.,

hemifrån, away from home.

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