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- G. O. Saars: Viktigste arbeider 1861-1918
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a) Særskilt udgivne større arbeider. |
1. Norges Ferskvandskrebsdyr. 1ste Afsnit: Branchiopoda. I. Cladocera
ctenopoda; m. 4 PI. Univ. Progr. 1865. 2. Histoire naturelle des
crusta-cés d’eau douce de Norvége. Ie livraison: Les Malacostracés; avec 10
pi. 1867. 3. Garcinologiske Bidrag til Norges Fauna. I. Monographi over
de ved Norges Kyster forekommende Mysider. 1ste Hefte m. 5 PL 1870.
2det Hefte m. 3 PI. 1872. 3die Hefte m. 34 autogr. PI. 1879.
Univ.pro-grammer. 4. On some remarkable forms of animal life from the great
deeps of the Norwegian coast I (partly from posthumous manuscripts of
the late Prof. M. Sars); with 6 pi. Univ. Program 1872. 5. Do. II.
Researches on the structure and affinity of the genus Brisinga; with 7 pi.
Univ. Program 1875. 6. Bidrag til Kundskaben om Norges arctiske Fauna
I. Mollusca regionis arcticæ Norvegiae; m. 1 Kart og 52 autogr. PI. Univ.
Program 1878. 7. Den norske Nordhavs-Expedition 1876—78. XIV.
Zoologi. Crustacea I; m. 21 Pl. og 1 Kart. 1885. II; m. 1 Kart. 1886. 8. Do.
XX. Zoologi. Pyonogonidea; m. 15 Pl. og 1 Kart. 1891. 9. Report on the
Schizopoda collected by H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873—76;
with 38 pi. 1885. 10. Do. Cumacea; with 11 pi. 1887. 11. Do.
Phyllo-carida; with 3 pi. 1887. 12. An Account of the Crustacea of Norway,
with short descriptions and figures of all the species. Vol. I. Amphipoda;
with 248 autogr. pi. 1890—95. 13. Do. Vol. II. Isopoda; with 104 autogr.
pi. 1896—99. 14. Do. Vol. III. Cumacea; with 72 autogr. pi. 1900.
15. Do. Vol. IV. Copepoda calanoida; with 108 autogr. pi. 1901—03.
16. Do. Vol. V. Copepoda harpacticoida; with 284 autogr. pi. 1904—11.
17. Do. Vol. VI. Copepoda cyclopoida; with 118 autotypic pi. 1913—18.
18. Fauna Norvegiae. Bd. I. Phyllocarida & Phyllopoda; m. 20 PL 1896.
19. The Norwegian North Polar Expedition 1893—96. V. Crustacea; with
36 autogr. pi. 1900. 20. Mysidæ of the Kaspian Expedition 1904; with
12 autogr. pi. 1909. 21. Report on the Cumacea of the Caspian
Expedition 1904; with 12 autogr. pi. 1914. 22. Report of the 2nd Norwegian
arctic Expedition in the „Fram" 1898—1902. Crustacea; with 12 autogr.
pi. 1909.
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