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71. Pycnogonidae borealia & arctica (prodromus descriptionis). 1888.
72. Description of some Australian Phyllopoda; with 8 autogr. pi. 1895.
73. Development of Estheria Packardi, as shown by artificial hatching
from dried mud; with 8 autogr. pi. 1896. 74. On Fresh water
Entomo-straca from the neighbourhood of Sydney, partly raised from dried mud;
with 8 autogr. pi. 1896. 75. On a new fresh water Ostracod,
Steno-cypris Chevreuxi G. O. S.; with notes on some other Entomostraca
raised from dried mud from Algeria; with 2 autogr. pi. 1896. 76.
Description of 2 new Phyllopoda from North Australia; with 6 autogr. pi.
1896. 77. On some West-Australian Entomostraca raised from dried
sand; with 4 autogr. pi. 1896. 78. On some South African Phyllopoda
raised from dried mud; with 4 autogr. pi. 1898. 79. Description of two
additional South African Phyllopoda; with 3 autogr. pi. 1898. 80. On
the propagation and early development of Euphausiidæ; with 4 autogr.
pi. 1898. 81. On Megalocypris princeps G. O. S., a gigantic fresh water
Ostracod from South Africa; with 1 autogr. pi. 1898. 82. Additional
Notes on South African Phyllopoda; with 3 autogr. pi. 1899. 83. On
the genus Broteas of Loven, with description of the type species, B.
fal-cifer Lov.; with 1 autogr. pi. 1899. 84. Description of Ihringula
pau-lensis G. O. S., a new generic type of Macrothricidae; with 2 autogr. pi.
1900. 85. On some Indian Phyllopoda; with4autogr.pl. 1900. 86.
Con-tributions to the knowledge of the Fresh water Entomostraca of South
America. I. Cladocera; with 12 autogr. pi. 1901. 87. Do. Copepoda &
Ostracoda; with 8 autogr. pl. 1902. 88. On a new South American
Phyllopod, Eulimnadia brasiliensis G. O. S., raised from dried mud; with
1 autogr. pi. 1902. 89. Fresh water Entomostraca from China and
Sumatra; with 4 autogr. pi. 1903. 90. On a remarkable new Chydorid,
Saycia orbicularis G. O. S., raised from dried mud from Victoria, South
Australia; with 1 autogr. pi. 1904. 91. On two apparently new
Phyllopoda from South Africa; with 2 autogr. pi. 1905. 92. Postembryonal
Development of Athenas nitescens Leach; with4autogr.pl. 1906. 93. On
two new species of the genus Diaptomus from South Africa; with 2
autogr. pi. 1907. 94. On the occurrence of a genuine Harpacticid in the
lake Baikal; with 1 autogr. pi. 1908. 95. Fresh water Copepoda from
Victoria, Southern Australia; with 4 autogr. pi, 1908. 96. Fresh water
Entomostraca from South Georgia; with 4 autogr. pi. 1909. 97,
Platy-copia perplexa G. O. S., a remarkable new type of deep water Cala-
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