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h) Avhandlinger indført i „Bulletin de la Societé des amis des
sciences naturelles de Rouen".
113. Description d’une espéce nouvelle de Mysis, M. Kervillei G. O. S.;
avec 1 pi. 1885.
i) Avhandlinger indført i ,.Bulletin de l’Acad. Imp. des sciences
de St. Petersbourg".
114. Crustacea caspia. Part. I. Mysidæ; with 8 autogr. pi. 1894.
115. Do. Part. II. Cumacea; with 12 autogr. pi. 1894. 116. Do. Part. III.
Amphipoda. 4 articles with 36 autogr. pi. 1895—96. 117. Account on
the Mysidæ in the collection of Dr. O. Grimm; with 8 autogr. pi. 1896.
118. Pelagic Entomostraca of the Caspian Sea; with 8 autogr. pi. 1897.
119. On some additional Crustacea from the Caspian Sea; with 4 autogr,
pi. 1897. 120. The Cladocera, Copepoda and Ostracoda of the Jana
Expedition; with 6 autogr. pi. 1899. 121. On Epischura baikalensis G.
O. S., a new Calanoid from Baikal Lake; with 1 autogr. pi. 1900.
122. On the Crustacean Fauna of Central Asia, Part I. Amphipoda and
Phyllopoda; with 8 autogr. pi. 1901. 123. Do. Part II. Cladocera; with
8 autogr. pi. 1904. 124. Do. Part III. Copepoda and Ostracoda; with 8
autogr.pl. 1904. 125. Do. Appendix. Local Faunæ of Central Asia. 1904.
k) Avhandlinger indført i „Zoologische Jahrbücher".
126. Pacifische Plankton-Crustaceen I; m. 6 Tafeln. 1904. 127. Do. II;
m. 7 Tafeln. 1905.
1) Avhandlinger indført i Publications de circonstances" No. 10.
128. On a new (planktonic) species of the genus Apherusa; with 1 pi.
m) Avhandlinger indført i „Bergens Museums Aarbog".
129. Description of Paracartia Grani G. O. S., a peculiar Calanoid
occurring in some of the Oyster-beds of western Norway; with 4 autogr.
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