- Project Runeberg -  Diplomatic Reminiscences before and during the World War, 1911-1917 /

(1920) [MARC] Author: Anatolij Nekljudov - Tema: Russia, War
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situation had changed completely, and that Ferdinand
at the moment was inclined to view things in the same
light as I did. Soon after these mutual explanations,
the King, at his Jubilee celebrations at Tirnova,
conversed at great length and very amiably with me in full
view of all present, and on his return to Sofia sent me
a signed photograph of himself.

Before all this I had already informed M. Gueshov
and M. Todorov of the intrigue against me, and, frankty
disgusted at it, they both entreated me earnestly not to
try to leave my post.

A few months later, when the intrigue frustrated in
July began again, one read one day in the Rousskoye
Slovo that the Russian Ministers, Nekludoff in Sofia, and
Savinsky in Stockholm, were soon to be mutually
exchanged. I wrote then to the man whom I esteemed
the most in M. Sazonoff’s set, Baron Schilling, begging
him to tell me quite frankly if this news was true. 1 added
that having always judged people severely who clung to
their places, 1 had not the slightest intention of clinging to
the post in Sofia, important and interesting though it was,
because the person holding such a post ought above all
things to possess the complete confidence of the Minister
for Foreign Affairs. Schilling replied that the question
of my being transferred to an equivalent post had been
raised at one moment at the Foreign Office, but that at
the present moment there was no question of it. All the
same, the news published in the Rousskoye Slovo was
not officially denied, as it ought to have been. I came to
the conclusion from all this that at the present moment
(the Balkan War had just broken out) the Foreign
Office still considered my presence in Bulgaria to be
indispensable; but that when these serious events were
over, they would not scruple in St. Petersburg to send
me to another post, even to a far less important one.

If I dwell so much on these purely personal intrigues,
it is because they did have an indisputable influence over
the final course of events in Bulgaria. Towards the end
of 1912 every one in Sofia knew that the Russian

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