- Project Runeberg -  Olavus Petri : the church reformer of Sweden /

(1918) [MARC] Author: Nils Forsander
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the opinion thus expressed by the archdeacon, on the
relation of the Church to the secular power, Gustav
acceded. Not long after, Andreæ was made secretary to
the king and a member of the Council of the Realm.
In the spring of the following year, Olavus Petri was
appointed secretary of the city of Stockholm. As a
member of the city government he advocated modern
humane and evangelical methods of administering civil
and ecclesiastical justice in place of the old system of
torture. He maintained that all punishment should
look to moral improvement, and held that it were better
to acquit than to convict, in case of doubt, giving his
reason thus: “It is far better to set a prisoner free than
to inflict pain and torture on one who is innocent.” It
was no doubt under impressions received in the service
of the city that he later wrote his “Rules for Judges,”
which have been reprinted as a preface to most editions
of the “Law of the Swedish Realm.” Among the rules
this one is found: “A deed must be judged according
to the intent of the doer, whether it was done with
malice aforethought, or no.” He reminds the
magistrates that they are the Lord’s overseers, who are not
the judges of their own subordinates but of God’s

Simultaneously with the royal election there arrived
at Strängnäs the papal legate, Johannes Magnus, a
native of Linköping, with a mandate to crush out the

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