- Project Runeberg -  Den Norske Nordhavs-expedition 1876-1878 / The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition 1876-1878 / 1. Bind /

(1880-1901) [MARC]
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Sigte, men hvis Nærhed tilkjendegaves af den låve
Temperatur. Fremdeles herskede ogsaa Taage. Kuling og So.
Fredag Morgen den 19de havde vi naaet 75° 10’ N. Br.
0° 54’ L. Y. f. Gr. og hk her dette Aars dybeste
Lodskud med 1985 eng. Favne, hvorefter Kursen sattes
østover langs den 75de Breddegrad. Ved fortsatte Lodninger,
Temperaturrækker og Trawlinger bestemtes paa Østgaaendé,
ligesom før paa Vestgaaende. den omtrentlige Grændse
mellem Polarstrømmen og det varme Vand i Havets
østlige Del. Ligeledes bestemtes Opgangen af Banken noget
nordligere end Beeren Eiland, og Undersøgelserne fortsattes
videre østover, indtil vi den 23de Juli befandt os paa 74°
57’ N. Br. og 19" 52’ L. 0. f. Gr., hvor vi havde 21
Favne Vand med en Bundtemperatur af -f~ 0°.2. Her
toges en Skrabe, hvorpaa vi, under tiltagende
Xordenvinds-kuling. holdt ned mod Beeren Eiland og derefter østenom
Øen til dens Sydside. Søen var her allerede betydelig,
saa det var forbundet med Vanskeligheder at gjøre
Landgang. Vi saa imidlertid, at vort Flag var borte, og
sluttede deraf, at Hollænderne havde været der og fundet
Posten, hvilket viste sig at være rigtigt, efter de
Efterretninger fra "Willem Barendtsz" som vi modtog fra Vardø
ved vor Ankomst til Hammerfest. Den 24de lænsede vi
med Storm af XNV.. høj Sø. svære Slingringer og tilsidst
Regntykke sydover mod Hammerfest. Kl. 10 om Aftenen
lik vi et Øjeblik Kjending af Fruholm og Ingø tvers om
Styrbord og Kl. 4 Formiddag den 25de kom vi i god
Behold til Ankers i Hammerfest. Uncler Indsejlingen, da det
var temmelig mørkt paa Grund af det tætte Regn. opstod
Spørgsmaalet om at ankre, før vi kom til Hammerfest.
Havde Nordhavs-Expeditionen gjort dette i Maasø. vilde
den paa det nævnte Sted have stødt sammen med
"Vega"-Expeditionen under Nordenskiüld og Palander. der laa her
for at oppebie gunstigere Vejr. Da vi bestemte os til at
gaa til Hammerfest med en Gang, passerede de to
Expeditioner hverandre paa nogle faa Mils Afstand uden at
vide det.

Fredag og Lørdag anvendtes til F}rldning af Vand
og Kul. og Mandag den 29de Juli Kl. 0 Eftermiddag
forlod vi atter Hammerfest for at udføre vor treclie Tur, idet
vi til Afsked saluterede Byen med 4 Skud. Kursen sattes
mod Beeren Eiland. som vi. efterat have taget 3 Lodskud
og en Trawl undervejs, naaede Onsdag den 31te. Da vi ogsaa
kom op under Øen. faldt Barometret 1mm i Timen, ligesom
Luften saa saa truende ud. at vi besluttede at se Vejret
an i nogen Tid, og efter et Par Timers Forløb havde vi ogsaa
fuld Storm. Da vi under disse Omstændigheder ikke kunde
arbejde med Lodning og Skrabning, men godt nytte Tiden
til Arbejder under Læ, naar Skibet var nogenlunde roligt,
holdt vi det gaaende under Øens Østside, hvor Søen var
nogenlunde rolig. Thorsdag Aften toges en Del Misvisnings-

Den norske Nordhavsexpedition. C. Wille: Expeditionen* Historie.

of temperatures in close proximity to the ice, we stood on
our course, steering first north-east and then north, along
the ice. which was soon lost sight of. though the low
temperature announced its comparative nearness. Fog. wind,
and sea also continued to prevail. On the morning of
Friday the 19th of July we had reached a point in lat.
75° 16’ X. long 0° 54’ W. Here a sounding was taken
(1985 fathoms), the deepest on this year’s cruise, after
which we steamed eastward along the 75th parallel of
latitude. By a continuous succession of soundings, serial
temperatures, and trawlings, the boundary between the
Polar current and the warm flow in the eastern section
of the Sea was now on our passage east, as before on our
passage west, approximately determined. We likewise
determined the rise of the bank somewhat farther north than
Beeren Eiland. and then continued investigating eastward
till on the 23rd of July we found ourselves in lat. 74° 57’.
long. 19° 52’ E.. with a depth of 21 fathoms and a
bottom-temperature of 0°.2. Here we took a haul of the
dredge, and then bore down, in a rising gale from the
north, on Beeren Eiland. making for the south coast along
its eastern shores. The sea here already running high,
considerable difficulty would have been experienced in
landing. Meanwhile, we could see that our flag was gone, and
of course concluded that the Dutch explorers had found their
letter-box, which, on our arrival at. Hammerfest, proved to
have been correct, a communication received there from
the "Willem Barendtz" via Vardø apprizing us of the fact.
On the -24th we stood south for Hammerfest, scudding
before the wind in a gale from the north-north-west, with
the ship rolling heavily, and a rainy mist Coming on.
About 10 p.m. we caught a glimpse of Fruholm and Ingø
on the starboard beam, and next morning (July 25th). at
4 o’clock, dropped our anchor in Hammerfest harbour.
When steaming up the fjord, it was rather dark, from the
drizzly rain, and the question arose, whether it would not
be best to anchor, for instance at Maasø. before
proceeding to Hammerfest. Had this been done, the Norwegian
North-Atlantic Expedition would have fallen in with the
"Vega" Expedition, under the direction of Xordenskiöld
and Palander. then lying at anchor here till the weather
should moderate. As it was, the two Expeditions passed
within a few miles of each other without knowing it.

Two days (Friday and Saturday) were spent in
getting the ship ready for sea (watering, coaling. &c.). and on
Monday the 29th of July, at 6 p.m.. we again left
Hammerfest. on the third excursion of the cruise, firing a salute
of 4 guns in honour of the town, as we steamed out of
the harbour. The Expedition stood straight for Beeren
Eiland. which it reached on Wednesday the 31st of July.
On the passage across. 3 soundings had been taken and
one cast of the trawl. As we were nearing the land, the
barometer began to fall. 1""" an hour; the sky. too.
wearing a threatening appearance, we resolved to wait and
see how the weather would turn out. And it was well we
did. for an hour or two after it blew a gale. Deep-sea
operations, such as sounding and dredging, were now. of


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