- Project Runeberg -  Den Norske Nordhavs-expedition 1876-1878 / The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition 1876-1878 / 1. Bind /

(1880-1901) [MARC]
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ikke bliver udsat tor pludselige Ryk. Udvidelsen af
Accumulatorer Stroppe tjener ogsaa til at angive Størrelsen
af den Kraft, som gaar paa den.

Ved Afvejning i Land fandtes den Vægt, der svarede
til hver Fods Udvidelse af en enkelt Strop, og derefter
opsattes nedenstaaende Tabel, der dog selvfølgelig kun angiver
omtrentlige Værdier. En Accumulator med 30 Stroppe
brugtes til Bundskrabningerne.

Længde. 1 Strop, 15 Stroppe. 30 Stroppe.
Fod. Vægt i Pund.
3 0 0 0
4 40 600 1200
5 61 915 1830 ’
6 76 • 1140 2280
7 90 1350 2700
8 101 1515 3030
9 111 1665 3330
10 122 1830 ■ 3660
11 132 1980 3960
12 143 2145 4290
13 153 2295 4590
14 162 2430 4860
15 173 2595 5190
16 185 2775’ 5550
17 198 2970 5940
18 213 3195 6390
19 230 3450 6900 .

Ved 20*/3 Fods Længde blev Stroppen sprængt.

Da Loddeblokken vejer sine 50 Pd., den største
Lod-devægt, som ovenfor anført, var 470 Pd., hvortil kommer
Vandhenterens Vægt. ser man, at Accumulatoren. paa
hvilken der i dette Tilfælde gik en Kraft af noget over 1000
Pd. før Lodderne kom i Vandet, ikke blev meget anstrengt
i Forhold til hvad den kunde bære. Under Loddets
Synken gaar der ikke stor Kraft paa Accumulatoren, derimod
bevirker Lodlinens lange Overflade en saa betydelig Friktion
mod Vandet under Ophalingen fra større Dybder, at
Accumulatoren kan strækkes ud 0,:"’2 til 0.’"3 (en halv til en
hel Fod.)

Kautschukstroppene taaler godt Fugtighed, men
angribes af fedtagtige Stoffe og lider vel ogsaa ved stadig
Udsættelse for Vind og Vejr. Saasnart Lodningen var forbi,
blev vistnok Accumulatoren strax liret ned i Vandet, men
det kunde ikke altid undgaaes, naar den var udhalt under
Raaen til Brug, at den for en kortere Tid kom i Røgen
fra Skorstenen. Den i 1876 brugte Accumulator kunde
ikke bruges den følgende Sommer. I 1877 anbragte jeg
til Forsøg omkring Stropperne en Serk af Sejldug, der
blev fastspigret rundt Kanten af øverste Træskive, (se Fig.
1, Skrabe-Accumulatoren, og TitelbiHedet samt Fig. 14) og
var af samme Længde som Stroppene i Hvile. Ikke
usandsynligt paa Grund af denne Beskyttelse holdt
Accumulato-rerne sig saa godt, at de kunde benyttes i 1878, dog i
den sidste Tid forstærkede med nogle nye Reserve-Stroppe.

the vessel is rolling or pitching; but it is also valuable as
indicating roughly the amount of the strain, by the greater
or less extension of the straps.

By weighting one of the straps. I had found, before
the Expedition left Norway on the first cruise, the amount
of strain corresponding to its extension, for every succes-’
sive foot. The results, which of course cannot but represent
approximate values, are given in the following Table. An
accumulator with 30 straps was used with the dredging-gear.

Length of Strap. 1 Strap. 15 Straps. 30 Straps.

Feet. Weight in Pounds.

3 0 0 0
4 40 600 1200
5 61 915 1830
6 76 1140 2280
7 90 1350 2700
8 101 1515 3030
9 111 1665 3330
10 122 1830 3660
11 132 1980 3960
12 143 2145 4290
13 153 2295 4590
14 162 2430 4860
15 173 2595 5190
16 185 2775 5550
17 198 2970 5940
18 213 3195 6390
19 230 3450 6900

At twenty feet and a half the strap broke.

The weight of the sounding-block being 50 pounds, and
that of our heaviest set of sinkers, as stated above, 470, to
which must be added the weight of the water-bottle, the
accumulator, which accordingly had to bear a strain of
but little more than 100U pounds before the sinkers reached
the water, was not exposed to any severe test,
considering the great strength of the straps. During the
downward passage of the lead, there is very little strain on the
accumulator ; but when hauling in, the friction of one or
two miles of cord in the water is so considerable, that the
accumulator will be frequently stretched from half a foot
to a foot.

The india-rubber springs stand wet and moisture well:
they are, however, injuriously affected by grease and all
kinds of fatty substances, and probably, too, suffer from
continued exposure to wind and weather. Immediately after
sounding, the accumulator was lowered into the shrouds;
but when triced under the yard-arm for use, it was not
always possible to keep it out of the smoke from the
funnel. The accumulators provided for the first year’s cruise,
in 1876. had to be rejected on the next. To remedy this
drawback, I tried, in 1877. the experiment of nailing round
the rim of the upper disc a protective covering of canvass,
of the same length as the unstretched straps (see Fig. 1,
Dredge - accumulator. Frontispiece, and Fig. 14). Owing,
probably, to this simple expedient, the accumulators kept
in so good a condition as to admit of our using them

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