- Project Runeberg -  Den Norske Nordhavs-expedition 1876-1878 / The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition 1876-1878 / 1. Bind /

(1880-1901) [MARC]
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Station 271. X. B. 72° 38’, 0. L. 33» 50’; 160
Fvn. (293 M.). 0.7°. En liden Prøve af ensartet,
grøngraat Ler. Mange Annelider. Ingen Stene.

Station 272. N. B. 73» li’, 0. L. 33» 3’. 113
Fvn. (207 M.). 1.5». Grßngraat Rhabdamininaler med
noget fastere graat Underler. Nogle Stene (veiende indtil
1.0 Gr.), bestaaende af mørk Kalksten.

Station 273. N. B. 73» 25’. 0. L. 31» 30’. 197
Fvn. (360 M.). 2.2». Grønliggraat Rhabdammina-Ler,
Mange Skaller (Asfarte). Mange ganske smaa Stene,
hovedsagelig bestaaende af Kvarts.

Station 274. N. B. 73» 46’, 0. L. 31» 16’. 182
Fvn. (333 M.). 0.0». Graagrønt Rhabdammina-Ler.
Mange Stene (veiende indtil 0.5 Gr.), bestaaende af

Station 275. X. B. 74» 8’. 0. L. 31° 12’. 147
Fvn. (269 M.). —0.4°. Grøngraat Rhabdammina-Ler.
Mange Stene (veiende indtil 3 Gr.), bestaaende af oxyderet
og forvitrende Sandsten, nogle smaa Stykker af Stenkul.
I Skraben fandtes: Haard sort Lerskifer, Stenkul, graa
Saudsten, Granit. Lerboller. Aiulibolit, komig Kalksten og

Station 276. N. B. 74° 5’, 0. L. 27»’39’. 220
Fvn. (402 M.). 0.9». Graat Ler. Ingen Stene.

Station 277. N. B. 74° 3’. 0, L. 25° 43’. 225
Fvn. (411 M.). 1.0». Grøngraat Rhabdammina-Ler.
Nogle Stene.

Station 278. K. B. 74» l’. 0. L. 22» 27’. -230
Fvn. (421 M). 0.9». Grøngraat Rhabdammina-Ler.

Station 279. X. B. 74° 15’, 0. L. 20» 48’. 79
Fvn. (144 M.). 1.0». Grøngraat, uensartet
Rhabdammina-Ler. Mange Koraller og Skjæl. Nogle Stene (veiende
indtil- 0.5 Gr.), bestaaende af Kvarts, Sandsten.

Station 280. N.B. 74» 10’, 0. L. 18» 51’. 35 Fvn.
(64 M.). 1.1» Bundprøven bestod hovedsagelig af
Muslingskaller med noget grøngraat Ler.

Station 281. N.B. 74» 3’, Ø.L, 17» 18’. 115Fvn.
(210 M.). 2.2». Brunt Sandler og giaat Ler. Nogle
Stene (veiende indtil 0.1 Gr.), bestaaende af Kvarts,

Station 282. N. B. 73» 53’. 0. L. 15» 36’. 457
Fvn. (836 M.). —0.9». Grøngraat Ler.

Station 271. - Lat. 72° 38’ N., long. 33° 50’ E.:
d. 160 fms. (293 m.); b.-t. 0.7°. A small sample of
greenish-grey, homogeneous clay containing numerous
Annelids. Xo pebbles.

Station 272. — Lat. 73» 11’ N., long. 33° 3’ E.;
d. 113 fms. (207 m.); b.-t. 1.5°. A greenish-grey
Rhab-dammina clay, on a thin layer of tinner grey clay,
containing a few pebbles (the largest weighing 1.0 o’) of dark

Station 273. — Lat. 73° 25’ N., long. 31» 30’ E.;
d. 197 fms. (360 m.); b.-t. 2,2». A greenish-grey clay
containing many calcareous shells (Astarte) and many
exceedingly. tine pebbles, chiefly quartz.

Station 274. — Lat. 73° 46’ N.. long. 31° 16’ E.;
d. 182 fms. (333 m.); b.-t. 0.0°. A greyish-green
Rhab-dammina clay containing many pebbles (the largest
weighing 0.5fr), exclusively sandstone.

Station 275. — Lat. 74° 8’ N.. long. 31° 12’ E.;
d. 147 fms. (269 m.); b.-t. —0.4». A greyish-green
Rhab-dammina clay containing many pebbles (the largest
weighing 3»’) of oxidized and disintegrated sandstone, and a few
small fragments of coal. The dredge brought up fragments
of a hard, black argillaceous schist, of coal, grey sandstone,
granite, amphibolite, granulated limestone, quartzite, and
lumps of clay.

Station 276. — Lat. 74» 5’ ’N., long. 27» 39’ E.;
d. 220 fms. (402 m.); b.-t. 0.9». A grey clay. So pebbles.

Station 277. - Lat. 74° 3’ N., long. 25° 43’ E.;
d. 225 fms. (411 m.); b.-t. 1.0». A greenish-grey clay.
No pebbles.

Station 278. - Lat. 74° l’ N, long. 22° 27’ E.:
d. 230 fms. (421 in.): b-t. 0.9». A greenish-grey clay.

Station 279. — Lat. 74» 15’ N.. long. 20" 48’ E.:
79 fms. (144 m.); b.-t. 1.0°. A greenish-grey clay
containing many shells and fragments of coral; likewise a
few pebbles (the largest weighing 0.5’") of quartz,

Station 280. — Lat. 74» 10’.N., long. 18» 51’ E.:
d. 35 fms. (64 m.); b.-t. 1.1". This sample consisted
chiefly of muscle-shells along with a little greenish-grey clay.

Station 281. — Lat. 74» 3’ X.. long. 17» 18’ E.:
d. 115 fms. (210 m.); b.-t. 2.2». A brown, sabulous clay
and a grey clay containing a few pebbles (the largest
weighing 0.1’’’) of quartz, sandstoue.

Station 282. — Lat. 73» 53’ X., long. 15» 36’ E.:
d. 457 fms. (836 m.): b.-t. —0.9". A greenish-grey clay.

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