- Project Runeberg -  Den Norske Nordhavs-expedition 1876-1878 / The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition 1876-1878 / 1. Bind /

(1880-1901) [MARC]
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Yed nærværende Afhandling er Bundprøverne væsentlig
betragtede fra et kemisk Standpunkt. En grundig
mikroskopisk Undersøgelse af Slammet med Hensyn til dets
forskjellige Bestanddele vilde visselig være af Interesse, men
kommer for Øieblikket til at træde i Baggrunden, da jeg
endnu ikke har faaet Anledning til at gjøre det nødvendige
Forstudium for dette specielle Emne. Men hvis Leilighed
dertil gives, kommer jeg maaske senere til at undersøge
Expeditionens righoldige Materiale ogsaa i denne Retning.
Før der arbeides videre, vil det imidlertid være tjenlig at
afvente Resultaterne af Bundprøvernes zoologiske
Behandling ved Hr. Professor Sars, ligesom man maa være
berettiget til at formode, at Hr. Prof. Molms Undersøgelser af
Havets fysiske Forhold maa kunne kaste Lys over mangt
et Spørgsmaal med Hensyn til Slamarternes Udbredelse.
Thi vi ved, at mange forskjellige Kræfter kan bidrage til
Sedimenternes Dannelse ög Afleiring, og for at belyse dem
paa en alsidig Maade er det nødvendigt at tage flere af
Naturvidenskaberne til Hjælp. Det store Materiale af
Bundprøver fra Expeditionens 375 Stationer frembyder rig
Anledning til et fortsat Studium. For den kemiske
Undersøgelse har de Sedimenter, der forekommer i den fineste
og mest ensartede Tilstand, størst Interesse. Jeg har
derfor væsentlig lagt Vægten paa det egentlige Dybvandsslam
— Biloculinleret —, der desuden ogsaa er clet mest
ubekjendte. Kystbankernes Aflejringer har jeg derimod taget
mindre Hensyn til. da allerede Udseendet viser, at deres
kemiske Sammensætning maa være altfor vexlende til, at
at det i Almindelighed skulde være Umagen værcl at
underkaste dem en fuldstændig kemisk Analyse. I mineralogisk
Retning har de allerede tidligere været Gjenstand for
talrige Undersøgelser.

Rhabdammina-Leret frembyder derimod paa Grund af
Forekomststedet og sit særegne Udseende en større Interesse.

For at udføre en fuldstændig kemisk Analyse af
Bundprøverne, er jeg gaaet frem paa følgende Maade:

Paa forskjellige Punkter af Bundprøven udtoges nogle
Stykker, der pulveriseredes og udvadskedes meel Vand for

In this Memoir, the samples of the bottom are regarded
chiefly from a chemical point’ of view. A microscopic
examination of the deposit — ooze, mud, or clay — to ascertain
the various substances composing it, would unquestionably
be attended with interesting results, but cannot, for lack of
time and special acquaintance with the subject, be
undertaken here. Meanwhile, I may perhaps on some future
occasion so investigate the large amount of material
collected on the Nortli-Atlantic Expedition. Before
proceeding further in that direction, it will however be best to
await the results of Professor Sars’s zoological treatment
of the samples of the bottom, as there is also good reason
to believe that Professor Mohn. in his observations to
determine the physical conditions of the sea, will throw light
on much that is now dubious respecting the distribution of
oceanic deposits. We know that clivers widely different
forces contribute to form the’ surface-layers of the bottom,
and must, therefore, for a full explanation of the phenomena
have recourse to several branches of natural science. The
rich collection of material obtained on the Norwegian
Expedition, at 375 observing-stations, affords ample means for
studying the nature of the substances distributed over the
bed of the North-Atlantic. As regards the chemical
investigation of the samples, it is the finest and
comparatively homogeneous deposit that, when submitted to analysis,
may be expected to give the most interesting results. Hence, I
have laid especial stress upon the necessity of thoroughly
investigating the deep-sea or Biloculina clay, — which besides is the
least known of oceanic deposits. To the surface-layers of the
coastal banks, on the other hand, comparatively little
attention has been paid, their outward aspect being of itself
sufficient to show that, as a rule, they will not repay the
trouble of a rigorous analysis, by reason of the varying
character of their constituents. The mineralogicai features
of these coastal deposits have been repeatedly determined.

Rhabelammina clay has a peculiar and easily
recognizable appearance, which gives it accordingly so far
exceptional interest.

When submitting the samples of the bottom to
rigorous analysis, I went to work as follows: —

Portions of the sample were picked.out at different
points, pulverized, and washed several times in distilled

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