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De falske Fødder hos Hannen (se Fig. 3 a) er næsten
1 /3 længere end Legemet og har som sædvanlig 5te Led
længst, men kjendelig kortere end Endedelen.
Randtor-nerne (Fig. 3 f) er af lancetdannet Form og har i det
basale Parti 2 Par stærke Sidetænder, medens Yderdelen
er regelmæssigt saugtakket, med 6 Takker til hver Side.
Gangfødderne (se Fig. 3) er mindre forlængede end
hos.de fleste øvrige Arter, idet de neppe er mere end 3l/2
Gang længere end Legemet. De er heller ikke saa stærkt
afsmalnende mod Enden og viser i sin hele Længde en
temmelig tæt Besætning af korte og fine Haar. Af
Leddene er vistnok ogsaa her 2det Lægled det længste, men
er dog neppe dobbelt saa langt som det terminale Afsnit
og kun lidet længere end Laarleddet. Tarsalleddet er
forholdsvis kort, hvorimod Fodleddet er temmelig forlænget,
noget krummet, og meget smalt, uden iøinefaldende Torner
i Inderkanten. Endekloen er ualmindelig kort, kun lidet
mere end ’/3 saa lang som Fodleddet, men temmelig kraftig.
Biklöerne er vel udviklede og næsten halvt saa lange som
selve Kloen. *
Ingen af de undersøgte Exemplarer havde ydre
Æg-masser, om de end havde Udseendet af at være fuldt
Forekomst. Et Par Exemplarer af denne Art fandtes
i den mig til Undersøgelse overladte Samling af
Pycnogoni-der, indsamlede under Nordenskjølds Expedition 1875 og
76. De var begge fra Strædet Matotschinscharr; Dybden
2—15 F.
Tiie false legs in the male (see fig. 3 a) are almost
one-third longer than the body, with the 5th joint, as
usual, longest, but appreciably shorter than the terminal
part. The marginal spines (fig. 3 f) are lanceolate in
form, and have in the basal part 2 pairs of strong lateral
teeth, while the outer part is regularly serrate, with 0
denticles on either side.
The ambulatory legs (see fig. 3) are less elongated
than in most of the other species, being hardly upwards
of 31/- times longer than the body. Nor do they taper so
rapidly towards the extremity, and they exhibit throughout
their entire length a rather dense covering of short and
delicate hairs. Of the joints, the 2nd tibial joint is here,
also, certainly the longest, though hardly twice as long
as the terminal section and but little longer than the
femoral joint. The tarsal joint is relatively short, whereas
the propodal joint is rather elongated, somewhat curved,
and very narrow, without prominent spines on the inner
edge. The terminal claw is uncommonly short, only little
more than one-third as long as the propodal joint, but
rather powerful. The auxiliary claws are well developed
and almost half as long as the claw itself.
None of the specimens examined had outer
egg-masses, even though they were fully developed, to judge
from their appearance.
Occurence. Two examples of this species were found
among the Pvcnogonids collected on Nordenskjöld’s
Expedition, 1875 and 76, and sent me for examination. They were
both from the JIatotschinsharr Strait; depth 2—15 fathoms.
29. Nymphon longimanum. G O. Sars.
(Pl. X, Fig. I, a—f).
Nymphon longimanum, G. O. Sars, Pycnogonidea borealia
& arctica, No. 29.
Artscharaeter. Legemet spinklere end hos foregaaende
Art. Hovedsegmentet omtrent saa langt som de 3 følgende
Segmenter tilsammen, med tydelig, skjøndt ikke meget
forlænget Hals, og kun meget lidet udvidet Pandedel.
Øieknuden temmelig lav, afkuttet i Enden og forsynet ined
fremspringende Sidehjørner. Snabelen kortere end
Hovedsegmentet, cylindrisk. Saxlemmerne smaa og svage.
Haanden betydelig kortere end Skaftet, forholdsvis smal og tæt
haaret: Fingrene af Palmens Længde, med stærkt indbøiede
Spidser. Folerne forholdsvis korte og tæt haarede, 2det
og 3die Led af ens Størrelse sidste kun lidet længere end
næstsidste og begge tilsammen af 3die Leds Længde. De
falske Fodder kun lidet længere end Legemet, Randtornerne
meget smale, dolkformige, kort saugtakkede i Kanterne.
Gangfødderne besatte med spredte fine Haar. temmelig
forlængede, noget mere end 4 Gange længere end Legemet,
2det Lægled af smal lineær Form, omtrent 2’/2 Gang
29. Nymphon longimanum. G. O. Sars.
(Pl. X, fig. 1, a—f).
Nymphon longimanum, G. O. Savs, Pycnogonidea borealia
& arctica, No. 29.
Specific Characters. Body more slender than in
the preceding species. Cephalic segment about as long as
the 3 following segments taken together, with the neck
distinct, though not very elongated, and the frontal part but very
little expanded. Oculiferous tubercle rather low, truncated
at the extremity, and furnished with projecting lateral corners.
Proboscis shorter than the cephalic segment, cylindric.
Chelifori small and feeble, hand considerably shorter than
the scape, comparatively narrow, and densely hairy; the
fingers same length as palm, with strongly incurvated points.
The palpi relatively short and densely hirsute, 2nd and
3rd joints of equal size; the.last but little longer than the
penultimate one, and both taken together equal in length to
the 3rd. False legs but little Honger than the body,
marginal spines very slender, dagger-shaped, shortly-serrated on
the edges. Ambulatory legs beset with scattered delicate
hairs, rather elongate, a trifle more than 4 times as long
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