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resides, within a year after his departure, his intention of remaining
a Norwegian citizen. This declaration has full effect for ten years,
and can after this period he renewed for ten years more. He who
settles abroad in the service of the Norwegian state or in the
common service of Norway and Sweden, retains the Norwegian
citizenship. Where this right is retained in spite of absence, it is
also retained for the wife and those children under age who live
with their parents or are supported by them.
Naturalised Norwegians are always free to settle for good in
Norway. They have the right to public assistance under the
poor law.
Every Norwegian citizen is a Norwegian subject.
The dispensation from military service granted to immigrated
foreigners by the laws on recruiting, is continued even after they
have become Norwegian citizens.
No real property can — without the authorisation of the king
or his delegate, the minister of the interior — be legally acquired
by others than Norwegian or Swedish citizens, or companies having
the seat of their administration in Norway or in Sweden and
exclusively composed of Norwegian or Swedish citizens. It is the
same with all rights for using the soil. Dispensations can be
granted by the king as far as leaseholds and similar rights are
concerned, which may be granted for ten years at most by the
minister of the interior.
According to the act of April 21st, 1888, the right of working
mines in Norway is open to others than Norwegian citizens.
As for shooting and fishing a personal and restricted
authorisation can be given to foreigners.
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