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Berne in 1891. A law of this kind is of comparatively greater
importance to the working-man than insurance against accident,
as only ⅒ (of young people ⅐) of all the cases resulting more
or less in disablement, are occasioned by accidents; and disablement
through illness contracted at work, is not included in the act.
The Storthing therefore, in 1894, appointed a parliamentary
commission to draw up a bill for insurance against disablement
and old age, which was to be national. In order to obtain the
statistical material necessary for the treatment of the question, the
commission has collected and subsequently worked out detailed
social statistics in four volumes, treating of the conditions of
labour, income, disablement, liability to disease, want of employment,
etc., for the whole of the race living in 1894. On this as a basis,
the majority in the commission brought in, last year, their
measure relating to a compulsory national insurance against
disablement, while the minority holds to an insurance including only
those classes that are less fortunately situated from a financial
point of view. As mentioned above, the commission brought about
the postponement of the treatment of the proposed law for
insurance against illness. It has therefore also in its report to the
Storthing laid down the fundamental principles on which an
insurance against illness ought to be built, in order that it may act
in conjunction with the proposed national insurance against
disablement, and also mentioned the alterations which the accident
insurance law in question ought to undergo in order to be able
to co-operate with insurance against illness and disablement, and
work better and more justly both for trade, the state, and the
persons insured. For the last three years, the Storthing has voted
a large sum which has been put by as a fund for the promotion
of the intended insurance against disablement.
There also exist in Norway a number of private sick-clubs,
burial-clubs and pension funds. For the regular working-men of
the municipality too, sick-clubs and pension funds have been to
some extent established, and lastly, the state has a number of
pension funds and widow’s funds for their officials and employees.
A proposal has however been made by the agency of the
government for a more comprehensive arrangement of the pensioning
matters of the state and the municipality.
In short, the present generally-prevailing effort to secure the
position of the less well-to-do has attracted attention to a remarkable
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