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Children that are not considered to be wholly depraved are
generally placed in some family or Home, where they are brought
up under the supervision of the Board of Guardians. Children
that do not attend school, or that behave badly there, may, by
the decision of the School Board, be placed at a reformatory
school, where they remain for a period not exceeding 6 months.
The reformatory school may be erected by a single municipality
or by several in conjunction. Its plan must be approved by the
king. Children that are so depraved morally, that their attendance
at the ordinary school would expose other children to harmful
influences, shall as a rule, be placed by the Board of Guardians in
a skolehjem. There shall be two kinds of such skolehjem, one
more strict for specially depraved children, and one more lenient.
The state shall see that the necessary institutions are provided.
The stricter kind of skolehjem is to be erected by the state, for
boys and girls separately. On Bastø, near Kristiania, one to
accommodate 150 boys is at present in course of erection. A similar
establishment for girls is to be founded near Kristiania. The more
lenient institutions may be private or municipal, if they are arranged
as the law requires. Three previously existing private and
municipal educational institutions for destitute boys, will probably be
included in the new organisation of reformatory education as more
lenient skolehjem, «Toftes Gave» on Helgøen near Hamar,
Ulfsnesøen near Bergen, and Falstad near Trondhjem.
The charge undertaken by the state of children that are
removed from their parents, ceases when the cause for it ceases,
and as a rule, is not continued after the child has completed his
18th year. Children that have been placed in reformatories of the
stricter kind, may, however, be kept there until they have
completed their 21st year.
The supervision of this class of children falls to the lot of
the Ecclesiastical and Educational Department. The cost is divided
between the state and the municipalities.
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