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different kind» of artisan work or of domestic or minor industry,
are now, as in previous decades, carried on intended for sale outside
the district, such as joiner’s or cabinet work, and other woodwork,
the manufacture of woven goods, tin-ware and also iron goods.
Boat-building also plays an important part in the coast districts.
Domestic industry, fifthy [[** sic, trykkfeil]] years ago, was more extensively
carried on than now. In an official report from the middle
of the century relating to the economic condition of the country,
we read: «In most districts of the country, the women make
whatever is necessary of linen, cotton and woollen goods for the
clothes of the family, and the men manufacture the necessary
farm implements. In several districts some products of domestic
industry are prepared for sale, such as canvas, homespun cloth
and to some extent, finer linens.» Domestic industry was at that
time mostly progressing, but in some places it was decreasing,
because it was found cheaper to buy foreign clothes than to make
them at home. — The easy and cheap means of procuring
necessities by buying products of domestic or foreign manufacture,
partly in connection with other causes, has exerted, since the middle
of the century, a rather restrictive influence on domestic industry,
and to some extent caused a noticeable decline. On the other hand,
several districts report progress in domestic industry; and of late
years increasing interest has been shown, and efforts made for its
advancement, by means of schools for domestic industry,
exhibitions and places for the sale of the various products. «The
Norwegian Domestic Industry Association» (founded in 1891) has now
a richly-assorted and well-furnished shop in Kristiania. The most
interesting products of home industry in the country districts are
the well-known national carvings, sheath-knives, several kinds of
household goods, ski, sledges, etc. Among the products of female
domestic industry may be mentioned sewn and embroidered goods,
in which the old Norwegian patterns prevail, and woven goods of
wool and cotton, knitted goods, etc. Of late especially, the interest
for the old national fine weaving has been greatly increased,
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