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(1869) [MARC] Author: Joachim Ebbell With: Ole Jacob Broch - Tema: Telecom
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visse Jern
also esscutial for the safe Cohduct of the Traffic
on their respective Undertakings, or they have
Contracts for varidus Terms of Years with. Tele
graph Companies, wliose Telegraphic Apparatus is
placed in the Stations and along the Railways and
Canals of the Railway Gompanies, by which Contracts
Provision is made with respect to the Matters
aforesaid: And whereas with certain Railway Com
panies Agreements have heen entered into by the
Postmaster General (subject to the Approbation of
Parliament), which Agreements are.referred to in
Schednles to this Act, and it is expedient that
with respect to certain other Railway Companies,
namely, the London and North-western, the Midland,
the Lancashire and Yorkshirc, the Great Northern,
the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, the North
Staffordshire , the Great Lastern , the London,
Brighton, and South Goast, the Metropolitan,’ the
Metropolitan District, the Metropolitan and St Johns
Wood, the Highland, the Sutherland, the Leven and
Last of Life, the Glasgow and Souih-western’r and
the Great North of Scotland, the Provisidtis herein
after contained be made as to the’ Undertakings
belongiug separately to the said Companies or held
by. them jointly with any other Company, or held
by them respectively on Lease: Re it therefore
enacted as follows: —
(1.) The Postmaster General shall give to each
Railway Company Three Months Notice be
fore he acqnires the Undertakings of any of
the Telegraph Companies with which the
Railway Company has Agreements; and on
the Expiration of such Notice such Agree
ments shall cease and determiue;
(2.) On such Acquisition as aforesaid all the Posts,
Wires, Instruments, and other Telegraphic
Apparatus belonging to the Railway Com
pany, and also all Posts, Wires, • Instru
ments, and other Telegraphic Apparatus be
longing to the Telegraph Companies on the
Railway Company’s Lines and Canals which
are necessary for establishing a complete
System of Telegraphy in counexion with the
working of Trains and the Traffic of the
Lines and Canals, shall become the absolute
Vigtighed for at Færdselen paa deres respektive
Anlæg kan foregaae med Tryghed, eller de have
Kontrakter for forskjellige Antal Aar med Tele
grafkorapagnier, hvis Telegrafapparater ere an
bragte paa Stationerne og langs Jernvei-Kompag
pjernes Jernveie og Kanaler, ved hvilke Kontrakter
foruøden .Forføining er truffet i ovennævnte Hen
seeude: og efterdi der med visse Jernvei-Kompag
nierer af General-Postmesteren (under Forbehold
af Parliamentets Samtykke) indgaaet Overeens
komster, der ere omhandlede i Anhanget til nær
værende Lov, og da det er hensigtsmæssigt for
saavidt angaaer visse andre Jernvei-Kompagnier.
Hendig „The London and North-Western", „The
Midland", „The Lancashire and Yorkshire", „The
Great Northern", „The Manchester, Sheffield, and
Lincolnshire", „The North Staffordshire", „The
Great Eastern", „The London, Brigthon, and South
Goast", „The Metropolitan, ,,The Metropolitan Di
strict", „The Metropolitan and St. John’s Wood",
„The Highland", „The Sutherland", „The Leven
and East of Fife", „The Glasgow and Soutli
westeru" og „The Great North of Scotland", at
de nedenfor anførte Bestemmelser gives med Heu
syn til de Anlæg der tilhøre de nævnte Kompag
nier enkeltviis, eller besiddes af dem sammen med
noget andet Kompagni eller heuholdsviis paa et vist
Antal Aar: Være det derfor bestemt som følger:
(1.) General-Postmesteren skal give et ethvert
Jernvei-Kompagni tre Maaneders Varsel for
inden han erhverver noget af de Telegraf
kompagniers Anlæg, hvormed Jernbauekom
pagniet har Kontrakt, og ved saadant Var
sels Udløb skal saadan Kontrakt ophøre og
være tilende.
(2.) Alle Jernvei-Kompagniet tilhørende Stolper,
Traade, Redskaber og andre Telegraf-Ap
parater ligesora ogsaa alle de Telegrafkom
pagnierne tilhørende Stolper, Traade, Red
skaber og andre Telegraf-Apparater, der ere
anbragte ved Jernvei-Kompagniets Linier og
Kanaler og ere nødvendige for at oprette
et fuldstændigt Telegrafsystem i Forbindelse
med Ordningen af Trænene og Færdselen
paa Linierne og Kanalerue, skulle, ved saa
dan Erhvervelsee som ommeldt, blive Jern-
218 [ Bil. XXI.
..‘Mf & 32° VICTORIÆ, Gap. 110. — Electric Telegraphs.

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