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(1869) [MARC] Author: Joachim Ebbell With: Ole Jacob Broch - Tema: Telecom
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Provision 24. In case no Act shall be passed during tkis
as to Pay- or tbe next Session of Parliament, putting at the
meut of
Costs to disposal of tlie Postmaster - General sucli moneys
Kaiiwayandas sliall be requisite for carrying into eftect the
rc egiaph 0tøjects aiR| plirp0Ses of this Act, the provisions
Companies x x x
if Objects contained in this Act or in the agreements hereby
of Act not confirmed relatiug to the arrangemeuts with rail
caried out.
way and telegraph companies, and all proceedings
thereunder, shall become void, and the Postmaster
General shall thereupon pay to the several Com
panies mentioned in such Clauses or Agreements
all reasonable Costs and Expenses (if any) pro
properly incurred by them respectively in relation
to any Proceedings taken under this Act.
24. I Tilfælde af at Parliamentet i inclevæ- Bestemmei
rencle eller næste Session ikke fatter Beslutning f’,1. om ’c~
° talmg af
om at stille til General-Postmestereus Baadighed Jemvei- og
saadan Pengesum som skal udfordres til Iværk- Tcle®1’af~
sættelsen af nærværende Lovs Tanke og" Øiemed, niers om
skulle de Bestemmelser, der indeholdes i nær- kostnmger,
værende Lov eller i de ved den godkjendte Kon- "
trakter angaaeude Overenskomster med Jernvei- ikke ivæi-k
og Telegraf-Kompagnier og alle i den Anledning sættos
trufne Forføininger blive ugyldige, og General-
Postmesteren skal som Følge deraf betale de re
spektive Kompagnier, der omhanelles i saadanne
Klausuler eller Overenskomster, alle rimelige Om
kostninger og Udgifter (om nogen) som rettelig
maatte være forvoldte hver især af dem i Anled
ning af nogensomhelst Forføining truffen i Hen
hold til nærværende Lov.
to which the foregoing Act refer».
1. An Agreement between Her Majesty’s
Postmaster General and the Great Western Bail
way Company, dated the 9th Day of July 1868.
2. An Agreement between Her Majesty’s
Postmaster General and the London and South
western Bailway Company, dated the lOth Day
of July 1868.
8. An Agreement between Her Majesty’s
Postmaster General and the London, Chatham,
and Dover Bailway Company, dated the 9th Day
of Juiy 1868.
4. An Agreement between Her Majesty’s
Postmaster General and the South-eastern Bailway
Company, dated the 14th Day of July 1868.
5. Au Agreement between Her Majesty’s
Postmaster General and the North-eastern Bailway
Company, dated the 8th Day of July 1868.
6. An Agreement between Her Majesty’s
Postmaster General and the Bristol and Exeter
Bailway Company, dated the 9th Day of July 1868.
7. Au Agreement between Her Majesty’s
Postmaster General and the Submarine Telegraph
Company between Great Britain and the Continent
of Europe and the Submarine Telegraph Company
between France and England (Société and Car-
hvortil foranstaaende Lov henviser.
1. En Overenskomst mellem Hendes Maje
stæts General-Postmester og „the Great Western
Bailway Company“, dateret 9 Juli 1868.
2. En Overenskomst mellem Hendes Maje
stæts General-Postmester og „the London and
South-Western Bailway Company11, dateret 10 Juli
3. En Overenskomst mellem Hendes Maje
stæts General-Postmester og „the London, Chatham
and Dover Bailway Company", dateret 9 Juli 1868.
4. En Overenskomst mellem Hendes Maje
stæts General - Postmester og „the South-eastern
Bailway Company", dateret 14 Juli 1868.
5. En Overenskomst mellem Hendes Maje
stæts General - Postmester og „the North - easteru
Bailway Company", dateret 8 Juli 1868.
6. En Overenskomst mellem Hendes Maje
stæts General - Postmester og „the Bristol and
Exeter Bailway", dateret 9 Juli 1868.
7. En Overenskomst mellem Hendes Maje
stæts General - Postmester og „the Submarine
Telegraph Company" mellem Storbritannien og det
europæiske Kontinent samt „the Submarine Tele
graph Company" mellem Frankrig og England
230 [ Bil. XXI-
31° & 32° VICTORLE, Cap. 110. — Electric Telqgraphs.

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