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in existance, [[** sic = -e- **]] is the „Islendîngabok“ written by Ari hinn
froði (born 1067) which gives a general history of the
colonisation and events of the island, down to the beginning of
the 12th Century, also the Landnâmabôk commenced by
Ari, which after many continuations was finished by Sturla
Þordarson (d. 1284) with additions by Erlauk
Erlendson (d. 1334). It contains a complete history of the island
from the taking possession of the same to the 10th Century,
but it is full of genealogies and dry detail. — We must further
mention the excellent Fœreyingasaga (12th C.) which treats
of the history of Sigmund, who introduced Christianity into the
Farö Islands. The Orkneyingasaga from the middle of
the 13th Century; the Heidarvigasaga (12th C.) which gives
an account of the battle on the Heath (1013—1015) [[** komma mgl **]] a fearful
contest, in which entire tribes fought against each other. The
Hungurvaka (12th Cent.) treats of the first five Bishops of
The Laxdœlasaga (13th Cent.) is an interesting history
of the trials and adventures of a very rich norwegian woman
Auda, who fled with her father before Harald, first to
Scotland and then to Iceland.
The Sturlungasaga (end of the 13th Cent.) is one of
the most important historical documents we possess. It begins
its narrative in 1110, and relates minutely the fate of Sturle,
the father of Snorri, and the various conflicts of his race with
other chiefs; its author was Sturla Þordssohn who was
engaged in writing it until he went on his journey to Norway
in 1164.
The Vigastyrssaga written by a noble Icelander Styr
(styled Arngrim) the “murderous fighter“; he was at last slain,
and it was in consequence of his death, that the celebrated
battle on the Heath was fought.
The Liotsvetninga or Reykdœlasaga, written by
the rich Gudmund the powerful (d. 1025) and his sons. It
gives an account of the earliest aristocracy of the island (12th C).
The historical biographies of the Icelandic Skalds are
very interesting. One of the oldest is the Gunnlaug
Ormstunga ok Skald Rafn’s Saga from the 12th Cent. The
Saga of two poets, whose valour was widely renowned is the
Fostbrœdrasaga, it tells of Þormod who received his
death wound in the battle of Stiklestad, and Þorgeir
who saw many a fight in Iceland, Ireland, England and Norway,
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