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- Modern Icelandic for Travellers
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Modern Icelandic.
This part has been added for Travellers and for practical
purposes; and will, it is hoped, be a welcome assistant for
travellers in Iceland.
The Modern Orthography and Grammar is the same as
the ancient, except k, which is in modern orthography
frequently changed into the softer g, and t, which is frequently
changed into ð.
Modern Icelandic. |
For Travellers.
I. Alphabetical Vocabulary. |
[[** Formatering (tabell?) ikke valgt ennå **]]
accept ganga að
acceptable aðgengilegur
accommodate útvega
can you accommodate me getið þér útvegað mér
account reikningur
give me my account gefið mer reikninginn minn
I admire eg dáist að
advice ráð
give me your advice gefið mér yðar ráð
after eptir
afternoon síðari hluti dags.
again aptur
age aldur
agent umboðsmaður
air lopt
ale öl
a glass of ale glas af öli
all allur
not at all alls eigi
nothing at all alls ekkert
alone einn, aleinn
also lika
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Project Runeberg, Mon Dec 11 13:19:06 2023
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