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It is a shame to tease any one, but I do love
to tease Karsten, for he gets so excited that he
flushes scarlet out to the tips of his ears and
looks awfully funny! Then he runs after me—
which is, of course, just what I want—and if
he catches me, gives me one or two good
whacks; but usually we are the hest of friends.
Karsten likes to talk about wonderfully strong
men and how much they can lift on their little
finger with their arm stretehed out; and he is
great at exaggeration. People say I
exagger-ate and add a sauee to everything, but they
ought to hear Karsten! Anyway, I don’t
ex-aggerate,—I only have a lively imagination.
After Karsten there is a skip of five years;
then eomes Olaug, who is still so little that she
goes to a “ baby school ” to learn her letters,
and the Catechism. I often go to fetch Olaug
home, for it is awfully funny there. When
Miss Einarsen, the teacher, and her sister say
anything they do not wish the children to
understand, they use P-speech: Can-pan you-pou
talk-palk it-pit? I went there often on pur-
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